| NonViolent Action - Retreat PlannedMt. Saviour Monastery, Elmira, NY This page contains registration information for a retreat to be held during the last week of September.
We'd like to extend an invitation to join one of our coordinators, John Murtari, on a brief retreat during the last weekend in September, the 28-30th, at the Mt. Saviour Monastery near Elmira, NY. (http://www.msaviour.org/) The cost is $40/night, and this includes all meals and lodging. If you can't afford the expense please let us know and we may be able to find others who can contribute to the cost of your stay. This is open to people, both individuals and couples, of any (and no) faith. John will be spending the time in preparation for a NonViolent Action scheduled for mid October, http://www.AKidsRight.org/actionb_syr
For those of you active in the movement and dealing with the tremendous pain of separation, the quiet environment of the Monastery can be a refreshing experience. There are NO mandatory religious events, but the Monks do gather several times during the day to chant the Psalms, and guests are welcome to both listen and participate. Primarily a sheep farm, there are many miles of private trails available for private reflection or conversation. You will be free to just spend the time in prayer & reflection, or to participate in a few joint discussions we plan on holding.
Please complete the following form to let us know of your desire to participate. We will contact you with details.