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Senator Paul Sarbanes
- 6/14/2002 – Two weeks earlier we had faxed the office a letter asking for a meeting (see example notes here). On that day we met with Susan Zentay & Marisa Milton, an attorney and legislative aid.We explained the lack of standard protections in all states to protect the parent child bond from “well intentioned” state interference — very similar to the information in our cover letter to Members of Congress.Sophia Worden, from Maryland, described her experience in which her former spouse was able to make unfounded accusations and get an “emergency” order denying her access to her two daughters. It became her obligation to prove her innocence.
Of the meetings we would have that day with staff from Senator Kerry (Mass) and Senator Rockefeller (West Virginia) this was the shortest and least productive. The two staffers asked very few questions and just seemed to be going through “the motions.”