August 20, 2004 The Honorable Hillary Rodham Clinton Dear Senator Clinton & Staff: I wrote your office back in April and others from our group have written more recently about events in the Syracuse Federal Building. I wish one of your staff would call me to talk about the situation. During an arrest last Spring I was completely amazed to find that your staff had asked the Secret Service to get involved as if I was some type of `stalker.' We are asking for a meeting not to put you on the spot. We are not going to be asking you what your position is on Family Reform issues - we just want you to be able to hear some real stories from devastated families. We are not the `enemy', we are just parents. Being able to meet with you would send a very positive message to these parents - that their family concerns are important and will be addressed even though we are not well organized or well funded. My effort and willingness to sacrifice my freedom is the greatest thing I can do to demonstrate how important I feel about the issue of reform. I wish this whole ``thing'' at the Federal Building could just come to a conclusion. I was almost not going to waste my time by writing again, but then I realized that would be a disservice both to you and to my confidence that reform will happen. (I include a copy of a letter to the US Magistrate Judge in this matter). Sincerely yours, John Murtari |