Stole some jeans - YOUR RIGHTS / Clinton Status / Colorado Jury Proposal
From: Webmaster (webmaster@kids-right.org)
This is a message from a mailing list, members@kids-right.org Unsubscribe instructions at bottom of message. ====================================================================== Good People: 1. Stole some jeans -- here are YOUR RIGHTS! 2. Current Status with Senator Hillary Rodham Clinton. 3. Letters written to Senator Clinton - what you said. 4. Bill for Jury in Family Law introduced in Colorado - more info? 5. Underwhelming response for Mother's Day/ Father's Day. 1. Stole some jeans -- here are YOUR RIGHTS! -------------------------------------------- John Murtari would like to pass on the following little 'anecdote' about rights. He was recently in Syracuse City Court waiting to be heard on a motion regarding his recent arrests. The Judge was also hearing a lot of other criminal matters and in in many cases they are settled by a "plea bargain" without the need for trial. In this case the person had been arrested for shoplifting several pairs of jeans from a local mall. It appeared the proof was overwhelming and the person was going to enter into a plea bargain. BUT -- before the Judge would allow her to plead guilty, the following formula was recited to the accused (and many others that day): Do you understand that by entering into this agreement you are waiving your right to: a) Have an attorney represent you if you cannot afford one. b) Have a trial before me and a Jury (if you desire) on this matter. c) Have the District Attorney prove their case against you beyond a reasonable doubt. d) Testify (if you desire) and also cross examine all witnesses who may testify against you. Imagine that! All those protections over a few pair of jeans (must have been designer jeans!). How many of us were denied most of these rights when our relationship with our own children was at stake? This may have been a City Court in New York State, but I think we all recognize these rights as ones which are protected by the Constitution of the United States. We certainly feel this is a right "preserved to the people", but if we have to -- the Constitution can be amended, as it has in the past, by WE THE PEOPLE. 2. Current Status with Senator Hillary Rodham Clinton ----------------------------------------------------- MANY OF YOU HAVE WRITTEN TO LEGISLATORS BEFORE AND BEEN IGNORED. Why will it be different this time? Because we have the 'catalyst' of NonViolent Action. We have at least one parent willing to risk jail to make sure you get a straight answer -- and that will make a very big difference as her staff reads your letters! While our elected officials (public servants) don't have to agree with you -- you certainly have a right to know their position on the issues and as a group we have the "right" to attempt to influence them. Last Thursday, January 31st, John Murtari did get a return call from Aprill Springfield, a legislative aid for Senator Clinton who is looking into our request for National Reform. She asked John to FAX down a summary of items, which he did the next day -- to see a copy of that letter just go to: http://www.AKidsRight.Org/clinton_notes.htm (Her office phone and fax number are there) While we hope for the urgent action this matter deserves -- it may be put on the "back burner." A recent member wrote in with: "I wish you the best in dealing with "Hillary". Many folks out here feel her only objective is to be elected President of the U.S. and she'll not be cooperative in anything not directly related to this purpose." We also agree and this is how our system is suppose to work. WE need to make it in her best interest. What is her worst nightmare? A peaceful group of mothers and fathers being jailed outside her offices simply because she is failing to respond to their reasonable requests for action...that they want their rights to be a parent protected. We have ALL letters written below. Can you believe that so far only TWO people have contacted her office? Do you really expect her to respond in a better manner than most of us probably would in her position? "Just two people wrote, what's the big deal?" If you have written, or do write in the future -- please let us know! Don't hesitate because you are not from New York State, Senator Clinton is obviously a national figure regarding family issues and we are all "lobbying" for members of her constituency, a big group -- parents and children. 3. Letters written to Senator Clinton ------------------------------------- We submit the following copies of personal letters sent to Senator Clinton's office for your review: ------ From Alex, awash@thehill.org Senator Hillary Rodham Clinton c/o Aprill Springfield, Legislative Aide 476 Russell Office Building Washington, DC 20510 January 29, 2002 Dear Ms. Springfield, I have been informed that you are Senator Clinton's aide who has been assigned to field information sent in by citizens on the subject of proposed changes in the family courts system. As a man who finds himself caught up in what I find to be a rather draconian structure of proceedings resulting from a divorce, let me add my pleas for a complete review of how we in this country handle such matters. For the record, let me state that I am what is normally considered a solid citizen and a good parent, and because I know that men are automatically presumed to have been abusers, I wish to state that I have never been accused of such behavior, and would object strenuously to anyone who ever did abuse another human being, in marital situations or otherwise. We have in place a monstrous structure, however, which not only seems to criminalize parents of both genders, but does not do justice to the best interests of children, nor to the families which produced those children, at the times when the emotional well-being and financial stabilities of the families are under the greatest stress. Instead, the so-called "family" courts, and the state-run agencies which collect and distribute child and spousal support, and the lawyers, create and profit from perpetuating antagonism between the parties for the benefit of these entities, and to the detriment of families. Surely, we can develop and implement a better system than the one we currently have, which was created to reduce welfare rolls, reduce female poverty after divorce, and in response to the inflated media hype about "deadbeat dads". I sincerely hope Senator Clinton will take the time to learn about the anguish and turmoil millions of American citizens face each day as children are separated from one parent or another, and help in the struggle to heal a tremendous problem facing the future of the family in these United States. Without exaggeration, this issue is very important to our future, and to our strength as a nation. Please do not hesitate to contact me if I may be of assistance in providing sources of information for Senator Clinton's edification and enlightenment on this issue. Thank you very much for your attention to this matter. Sincerely, Alex Washington, Jr. Instructor of Fine arts The Hill School Pottstown, PA 19464 Tel: (610) 970-9732 E-mail: awash@thehill.org -------- from Joanne Rudman aces4kids_jo@yahoo.com I used the electronic form to send my letter to Hillary. I could not even blind copy myself because it goes directly to the person. Basically I told her that I read about her lack of response from your web site and that it was shameful for such a "leading" state to be so obsolete when it comes to the rights of fathers in the family courts! I will send a letter every month until I get a response. It took about 10 tries to get an answer from Washington when I was living in Pittsburgh, PA. Now I am living in Washington and trying to do something here to change all that. Our Governor, Gary Locke, is the first oriental to become governor and is more interested in making public appearances. I even wrote to his wife, (a sarcastic letter) hoping to get some response from him. Well, it took a while. Still, they do nothing.... Joanne Rudman 4. Bill for Jury in Family Law introduced in Colorado. ----------------------------------------------------- We got alerts on the following Bill from several different mailing lists -- but could not find the actual text? Does anyone have the web address where the actual text of the bill is available? It may have a lot in common with the Family Rights Act we would like to see passed by Congress, http://www.AKidsRight.Org/act.htm, and help us improve our wording. ---- Sent to us by Mike Sandifer mikesandifer@webtv.net House Bill 1275 was introduced [by Representative Mark Cloer] Friday in the Colorado State Legislature in the wake of recent shootings. The Bill is titled the "Parent's Right Act" and it will require a jury trial before any parent can be denied access to their child or be declared unfit. This will strip much of the power from the corrupt Dept. of Human Services and Judges. But there is much opposition to the Bill, especially from the Governor. But it is an election year, so politicians are known to do flip flops during this time. I wish you the best in dealing with "Hillary". Many folks out here feel her only objective is to be elected President of the U.S. and she'll not be cooperative in anything not directly related to this purpose. 5. Underwhelming response for Mother's Day/ Father's Day. -------------------------------------------------------- In last weeks message we asked people to "vote" at the web site. We were trying to get an estimate of the number of people who would like to get involved with visiting Members of Congress; in their offices, in Washington, associated with Mother's Day and Father's day. The poll is at: http://www.AKidsRight.Org/legislat.htm This group reaches almost 2000 people, and we have logged a total of 4 votes (and two of those were test votes from the staff!). Please, if you have the time -- let us know how you feel about participating. ================================================================== To unsubscribe from this list at anytime, send email to Majordomo@kids-right.org with the following 1 line in the BODY of the message (Subject is ignored). unsubscribe members
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