Events in NY & Michigan, a view on reform.
From: Webmaster (webmaster@AKidsRight.org)
This is a message from a mailing list, members@kids-right.org Unsubscribe instructions at bottom of message. ====================================================================== Good People & People of Faith: This message contains some notes on: 1. Meeting with staff of Senator Schumer (NY) - you are welcome. 2. Thanks to Tom Golisano - candidate for NY Governor. 3. "Child Abuse" reform - meet Suzanne Shell in Michigan. 4. A columnist views on Divorce - maybe common sense? 1. Meeting with staff of Senator Schumer (NY) - you are welcome. --------------------------------------------------------------- The following from Mary Jo Marceau-Hawthorn, our PR person, MMARCEAU@OCDUS.JNJ.COM I have set the apt. time to November 20th at 1:30pm to talk to Senator Schumer's legislative representative Joe Hamm at their Rochester, NY, office. Directions: Take Rt 490 West into Rochester, get off at Clinton Ave exit, Take a left onto Court St. and then a right onto Exchange St.which becomes State St after passing Main St./ third building on Right is 100 State St, which is the address of the Senator Keating Federal Building. I would like to meet earlier at a central location so that we may concur on what our message is to be. I would like to meet at about noon. Anyone interested please contact me. I just would like to have an idea how many are going to attend. Thanks. Mary Jo Marceau-Hawthorne phone: 585-453-4416 2. Thanks to Tom Golisano - candidate for NY Governor. ----------------------------------------------------- >From Randall Dickinson (dickins895@aol.com): Send thank you letters and e-mail to candiate Tom Golisano at the address below. He registered about 15% of the vote across the entire state of New York, and in some rural counties upstate he outpolled the Democratic candidate. He took a public position on Family Law reform in response to contacts from parent's groups. Even if you are not from New York, let his staff know his stand was important. Ms. Laura Saxby Lynch Public Relations Manager Paychex, Inc. 911 Panorama Trail, South Rochester, New York 14625 585-383-3074 <A HREF="mailto:lsaxbylynch@paychex.com"> 3. "Child Abuse" reform - meet Suzanne Shell in Michigan. -------------------------------------------------------- If you are concerned about reform we heartily encourage you to contact Suzanne. She is a very kind person working very hard to reform the system: Suzanne Shell <dsshell@ix.netcom.com>, http://www.profane-justice.org/ Suzanne is planning to be in the Detroit area the week after Thanksgiving and will be avaible to present her 12 hour seminar for families and groups who are fighting Child Protective Services agencies. This seminar is offered without charge. Any family rights advocacy organization who wishes to sponsor this seminar should contact Ms. Shell to make arrangements for the presentation via return email or by calling 719-749-2971 as soon as possible. 4. A columnist views on Divorce - maybe common sense? ---------------------------------------------------- Submitted by: "Ed Devine" <ncfm@airmail.net> Source:http://www.townhall.com/columnists/dennisprager/printdp20021112.shtml Dennis Prager November 12, 2002 Being more compassionate on divorce Most Americans believe that for the past generation, America has been in a moral decline. And whenever conservatives describe this decline, they include the high divorce rate, along with crime and out-of-wedlock births, as a prime example. I believe conservatives are wrong here. By way of illustration, allow me a story: Before having a daily radio show, I moderated for 10 years a very popular show in Southern California called "Religion on the Line." Each week for two hours my guests were a Protestant minister, Roman Catholic priest and rabbi (different ones each week), as well as representatives of virtually every other faith. One night, the topic I chose was divorce -- what is your and your religion's view of divorce? The Protestant minister spoke against divorce and noted that "people get divorced too quickly." The priest then said virtually the same thing, and the rabbi did, too (on virtually no issue was there ever such uniformity of views and rhetoric). After each spoke, I asked the minister if he knew anyone well who had divorced. "Well," he said, "as it happens, my brother is getting a divorce right now." "And do you feel that he is getting divorced too quickly?" I asked. "No," the pastor responded. He explained that his brother and sister-in-law had tried counseling for many years to no avail, and that their home was a deeply troubled one. I then asked the priest if he knew anyone well who had divorced. He responded that his mother had divorced many years ago. "Do you feel that she divorced too quickly?" I asked. "Not at all," he said, adding that for all intents and purposes, the divorce liberated her from a toxic man and relationship. I then asked the rabbi if he knew anyone well who had divorced. And, sure enough, his parents had divorced many years earlier, and he was convinced that it enabled him and his mother to become happier people because the home was so depressed. This scenario is typical. Whenever people say, "People get divorced too easily," I ask them about people they know well who divorced, and I usually get the same response. Now, of course, many divorced people should have stayed together (just as there are couples who stay together who should get divorced). But conservatives look foolish when they say that except for spousal beating no one should get divorced and that the divorce rates necessarily exemplify a society in moral decline. ... By far, the worst consequence of divorce is the large number of fathers who voluntarily or involuntarily (because of selfish ex-wives or feminized laws) leave the lives of their children. When both parents stay thoroughly involved in their children's lives, sharing physical as well as legal custody, the adverse effects of divorce can be minimized, and depending on how bad things were prior to the divorce, a child's life can actually improve. Let me be as clear as language allows. I believe that most marriages should never come apart; that every good marriage has periods of alienation and anger; that people must ride these tough waves and try to improve their marriage... If conservatives want to enter the divorce arena, we should change divorce laws to ensure joint physical custody whenever feasible and that people first seek counseling with professionals committed to the welfare of children rather than attorneys devoted to ruining the other spouse's life. Divorce is a good example of where conservatives can show their compassion. Let's vigorously promote marriage but have no more knee-jerk condemnations of divorce. It is these condemnations, more than divorces, that are made too easily. ================================================================== To unsubscribe from this list at anytime, send email to Majordomo@kids-right.org with the following 1 line in the BODY of the message (Subject is ignored). unsubscribe members
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