Petitioning Senator Clinton / Letter to a US Attorney / Your FEEDBACK
From: Webmaster (webmaster@kids-right.org)
This is a message from a mailing list, members@kids-right.org Unsubscribe instructions at bottom of message. ====================================================================== Good People & People of Faith: This message contains information on: 1. Contacting Presidential Candidates - a good idea? 2. Petitioning Senator Clinton - Update 3. Meeting at office of Senator Schumer - pursue rights at Federal level. 4. Letter to US Attorney - review & investigate? 5. Your FEEDBACK - Welcome as always! 1. Contacting Presidential Candidates - a good idea? ---------------------------------------------------- If you live in the State of Massachusetts (John Kerry) or North Carolina (John Edwards). Your US Senator has announced they are a candidate for the presidency in 2004. Please check our legislative action page, http://www.AKidsRight.Org/legislative.htm, you can see prior group contacts with them. We have a nice letter from Senator Kerry about Family rights and how our present system came to be. If you would like to visit their local offices, and ask them to take a public stand and call for Congressional Hearings into the need for serious reform -- please let us know. Give us your contact info and we can pass it on to other members of the list. No prior experience is required. The site has a lot of examples of letters you can write and what to expect. 2.Petitioning Senator Clinton - Update -------------------------------------- For complete info see: http://www.AKidsRight.Org/actionc_syr On Dec 20th, John Murtari returned to the Syracuse Federal Building again and was arrested by Federal police. He was first charged with loitering and then when he wanted to return to the 14th floor he was given tickets for trespass and disorderly conduct (while still sitting in the office of the Federal Police). He was told there may be additional Federal charges filed regarding the Federal Judge's order to not "protest." He was then taken into custody by Syracuse City Police. He was arraigned the next day by City Judge Higgins (who was one of the Judges who dismissed earlier charges against John) and released. There has been no response at all from the office of Senator Clinton to events after repeated contact attempts. Certainly if a few more mothers and fathers got involved, this would be seen as a much more important issue and a personal meeting between the Senator and parents would be much easier to attain. He plans on returning to the building on Monday, January 6th, at about 1 PM. Participation by concerned parents is welcome. 3. Meeting at office of Senator Schumer - pursue rights at Federal level. ----------------------------------------------------- From: Mary Jo Marceau-Hawthorne, group PR person <pr@akidsright.org> > While at the Federal Building in Syracuse on December 30th, I made a > visit to Senator Schumer's offices to ask there opinion on Judge > Gustave Bianco's order that John Murtari was not allowed to visit > the Senator's offices. Ms. Harvey was very pleasant and although I > did not have an appointment took time out of her busy schedule to > talk to me. > When asked, Ms. Harvey said that Senator Schumer's office in > Syracuse met and talked with John and other parents in the past and > that there was never a problem. Ms. Harvey said they had a "lovely > meeting" with John and parents from all over. She asked if John was > in the building at that time and to "please say hello for me". She > wished him well in his efforts and said "John is very passionate > about family issues". "I know how much he loves his son" Ms. Harvey > said. > Ms. Harvey was very surprised when I related our unsuccessful > efforts to get a meeting at Senator Clinton's office in Syracuse. > She was shocked when I told her we were told by the Senator > Clinton's aid to "go and never come back". Ms. Harvey suggested that > we persue meetings at the federal level and mentioned the Washington > office. She also suggested persuing the appropriate committees that > deal with family issues in Congress. Ms. Harvey promised her > support in getting the issues to Congress. It was well worth my > trip to Syracuse to meet and talk to Ms. Harvey who was gracious to > take time to talk with me. Many thanks to her and her office staff. 4. Letter to US Attorney - review & investigate? ------------------------------------------------- This is an abridged version of a letter sent by John Murtari to the US Attorney for the Northern District of New York, Mr. Joseph Pavone. It asks him to examine what is going on in John's prosecution. It also asks for an examination into violation of Civil Rights in New York by the State's family law system. There are many people out there who feel that our "rights to be a parent" are already defined at the Federal level -- if this is true, a US Attorney should be able to enforce and protect those rights against those who would violate them, including state government? If not, how does a parent who cannot afford a civil law suit, protect their rights? Complete letter at: http://www.AKidsRight.Org/actionc_syr/pavone1.htm ================================================== Jan 2, 2003 The Honorable Joseph A. Pavone United States Attorney, Northern District of New York 100 S. Clinton St P.O. Box 7198 Syracuse, NY 13261-7198 Dear Mr. Pavone: I am asking you to please review the prosecution of United States v. Murtari. I am concerned by a broad order issued by Magistrate Judge DiBianco in response to a request by your office. I hope some compromise may be reached to avoid what is sure to be unfortunate escalation of legal action in this matter. I also call your attention to what may be Federal Civil Right's violations presently occurring in the New York Court system and ask for investigation. RE: United States v. Murtari Last Monday I returned to the building ... told by Federal Protective service agents to expect more charges resulting from an alleged violation of the Judge's order - even though I explained I was there to "petition" not to "protest, march, picket or demonstrate." This is not just a word game, but real meaning, and a protected right: Amendment I - "Congress shall make no law ... abridging ... the right of the people peaceably to assemble, and to petition the government for a redress of grievances." The definition of "petition" from Websters: 1: an earnest request, 2: a formal written request 3: something asked or requested Definitions of protest (defined as an act of dissent, an objection), march (rhythmic stride, in step with others), picket (to enclose, a line of people), demonstrate (to prove, show clearly). Mr. Pavone, I am no wild-eyed radical and I am not in the building to cause any type of disturbance or trouble... What I do in the building (and what I have done many times in the past without being arrested) is quietly walk with a pleasant manner and carry pictures of parents and children unjustly separated by our nation's system of family law. I am a loving parent concerned about the welfare of my child and those of others. Above the pictures is a brief message "Senator Clinton, please help us." I would probably not be writing you if I was being prosecuted for that (it would be real), but the progress of this matter is obscuring that basic fact. The goal of the group, AKidsRight.Org, is a positive approach to reform - NonViolent Action. It would be easy to find people who wanted to picket, protest, or demonstrate about Senator Clinton or many other issues (including Family Law reform) - that is not our goal. The demonstration of anger or contempt has no part in it. We feel Senator Clinton is a good person who obviously cares about children and family issues. This effort is an attempt to show how important this issue is not only to myself, but other parents.... Let me briefly summarize my concerns: What I sensed most clearly was the assumption that we cannot allow this man to walk in the building any more and we are going to stop him. With measured words I regret to say that the "findings" stated in the order have a limited correspondence to reality.... The banning order seems to be an effort to extend the building rules and include prohibitions which were not included by Congress in the original [building] regulations... Lastly, at sentencing I got the impression from Judge DiBianco that he would be imposing longer sentences and that he thought I would be "happy" to become a martyr for the cause. That could not be farther from the truth. What I "want" is a dialog on reform and to be a parent to my child. Compromise - I would like to say I could "wait" for all appeals to be exhausted, but I cannot. This is an important manner and a political manner which needs resolution immediately. With each day more parents and children experience the same pain that my son and I have known. It is very clear that Government has not handled this in a very consistent manner, especially when I was allowed to walk in the building for weeks at a time. I hope that pending completion of all appeals that I would be allowed to proceed in my present fashion... Hopefully Senator Clinton will also see the importance of reform and begin a dialog on the issue - then the need to "petition" her would cease. ... This has been a unique case. But I do clearly see devastating consequences as the full force of the United States Government descends and I just have to ask at all levels of government that people are sure "beyond a reasonable doubt." RE: New York State Family Court system On March 20th of this year I appeared in front of Magistrate Judge Peebles as some prior charges were dismissed. As part of his presentation to the Court, Asst. US Attorney Southwick explained that one role of the US Attorney's office was not only to prosecute criminals, but to also "protect the rights of citizens" - I write to you now in regards to that statement and actions by New York State's Family Court system. There are many people in the reform movement who feel that Federal Laws and Constitutional rights are being violated here in this state. As an agency also empowered to "protect the rights of citizens" I hope you can assign someone to investigate the local practice of Family Law in New York. I know we can provide you with detailed cases and your staff is obviously in a much better position to help make these determinations and also to ask more questions. If someone can contact me I would be happy to make arrangements to produce more detailed information for their review. Respectfully yours, John Murtari ========================================================= 5. Your FEEDBACK - Welcome as always! ------------------------------------- Most of your feedback focused on NonViolent Action to Petition Senator Clinton to call for Congressional Hearings into the need for reform. ---- Heather Marie Clarry <heather.clarry@shaw.ca> > Hello John, I've just been released from jail.......now I have a > taste of it. The corrupt system here in Victoria is enough to have > any parent fight back. Sure wish I could talk so that you could > help me strategize how to publicize the corrupt lawyers and > psychologists.... Keep up the great work! In Peace, > Heather Clarry > Child Rescue > Victoria, BC CANADA Sorry to hear what happened. If you could supply some details we may be able to share them with our list members. Perhaps we don't need parents willing to publicize the "corrupt lawyers and psychologists", but willing to publicize their willingness to sacrifice for the sake of their kids and get our legislators to change the laws and protect our rights? ---- Samuel Crisp <samcrisp@zapo.net> > JOHN: I RELISH YOUR CAUSE/YOUR WISDOM/YOUR INTEGERITY! I WOULD TELL > YOU THE JUDGE IS RIGHT BY WARNING YOU! AT THIS TIME THEY WILL WIN > BECAUSE OF PERCEPTION/NOT REALITY(HOWEVER THEIR REALITY} IS THEIR > PERCEPTION! WE CANNOT CHANGE THAT!!! > WHAT I HOPE YOU WILL SEE IS EVEN THE PLAYIN FIELD. RESPECT THE > JUDGE, HE WAS NICE ENOUGH TO LET YOU AND YOUR ATTORNEY KNOW HE WILL > NOT CONDONE YOUR CONDUCT OF GOING TO THE FED BLDG AGAIN! AT THIS > TIME YOU WILL BE PERCIEVED AS ATERRORIST AND HE WILL BE VERY > PROTECTIVE OF FEDERAL PROPERTY, MAYBE TOO MUCH SO! BUT AS HE SEES > IT IS SO! BECAUSE HE IS SUCH AN IMP/LAWYER YOU CAN PLAY YOUIR > HAND, BUTTER HIM UP HE WANTS TO PUT YOU IN THE SLAMMER TO SHOW YOU A > LESSON. > BUT AT THIS TIME FAMILY IS NOT THE ISSUE, TERRORISM IS AND YOU ARE A > TERRORIST IN HIS EYES AND ALL OF THE MORE SO IF YOU DEFY HIM. SEND > HIM A LETTER SAYIN YOUR HONOR: I SEE YOU POINT HERE. I WILL OBEY > YOUR WISH, YOU WILL WIN HIM AND ONE IS THE SMALLEST BIG NUMBER THERE > IS! THAT IS HOW YOU/WE CAN WIN! HOW DO YOU BUILD A SKY SCRAPPER? > ONE BRICK AT A TIME RIGHT! SINCERELY ALL FOR FAMILIES AND YOUR > CAUSE! GIVE HILLARY A KISS FOR ME! SAM CRISP!!!!! ---- Citroencar@aol.com > I'm forwarding this to you for review. It was sent to me by a friend > who is in no way a Clinton fan. This is a rather lengthy piece, but > it may shed some light as you why you are probably wasting your time > trying to get an audience with her exalted highness Hillary. Even > if you did get to see her, the issues at hand are not those she > would tackle because they have too much of an effect on votes. I don't think we are wasting our time with Clinton, just getting her to communicate a clear position would be good in response to efforts by parents willing to sacrifice. I know what you mean about the "vote" issues, but obviously we have to win that if we want the laws changed. It's a civil rights movement? --- "William Dolan" <wmdolan@hotmail.com> > I think that it's time to re-consider what you are doing. If there > really are demonstration-permit regulations concerning that federal > building, then please follow them, or else go outside where they do > not apply. In other words, if you are just walking where you don't > need a demonstration permit, as I had thought, then continue. On > the other hand, if there really is a requirement for a demonstration > permit, which requirement you are intentionally ignoring, then you > are essentially shooting yourself in the foot and Dominic in the > purse if you keep it up. > Here in DC we have various permitting requirements that MUST be > followed, or else arrest (on federal property). There are plenty of > ways to express one's opinion WITH a permit or else in a place where > no permit is necessary. I'm worried that your destruction does NOT > HAVE TO occur. I see you as being worth much more to the movement > being out of jail rather than in. > I met Hillary for a moment in September, and she appears to be > friendly. You will never meet Hillary or Chuck Schumer in Syracuse. > Chuck went there once before the election, and probably won't be > back. > You have a great grace with people and a great message as a > communicator. There is a lot of work with legislators, with judges, > building coalitions, etc., that you can do without being behind > bars. --- Jeff Golden <JeffFACE@aol.com> > First, I see you are using the word "petition." As you know, you > have a Constitutional Right to petition the government for redress > of grievances. Queen Hillary is your senator, and thus your > representative in the government. Keep referring to your efforts to > meet with her majesty as petitioning. > If ANYONE (judge, police officer, building security staff, etc.) > interferes with your Constitutional Right to petition the government > for redress of grievances, you could probably bring legal action > against them for violating your civil rights. > And, speaking of petitioning, what do you think of this idea: > Thousands of neatly written, articulate letters from people all over > the country arrive at Queen Hillary's offices in Washington and New > York. They all extend best wishes to her majesty, express an > interest in family law reform, and ask the queen to meet with the > writers' local representative in Syracuse, NY -- John Murtari! I agree about petitioning. Letter writing sounds good, but any meeting would be between her and a group of parents so she can here some stories first hand. ---- Kathleen Besch <bizoppcity@yahoo.com> > John, though I admire you for standing by your convictions maybe you > should contact www.tbn.org and go to their address book and contact > R,W,Schambach. Jesus was anything but a pacifist when it came to > fighting the enemy. He gave us weapons to use and we need to use > them. You cannot pacify a rattlesnake or a cobra and neither did > Jesus when Satan tempted him. He said It is written> What is > written John? Methods and scriptures to use to defeat the enemy. > Have you read the kingdom of heaven suffereth violence and the > violent take it by force? Ask Schambach about that. God did not > call us to be pacifist or helpless. This is a war and believe it or > not you have to use the weapons God gave you to fight with. ... > Armageddon will not be a passive situation and if you do not learn > to use your weapons now what will you do then. If you have tried > peace and it does not work which it will not then fight for what > youwant with the scriptures. Find the scriptures that give you your > rights as a child of God You are his ambassador and you have the > right to use his power Luke 10:19. Look up his promises to you > about your children and your marriage. > Man's words and actions are nothing to the enemy but if you want > clear concise action in your favor then use the scriptures in the > right context. So not let the devil eat your lunch. Even the > clintons are subject to the word of God as the final authority. > Change??????? yes. The weapons of our warfare are not carnal but > mighty to the pulling down of strongholds. Read them, use them, and > win. Otherwise I wish you well. Thanks for taking the time to write such a thoughtful message. I don't think NonViolent Action is passive, it requires love, sacrifice, and faith. I know what you mean, that it seems these efforts will not be effective, but time will tell. ================================================================== To unsubscribe from this list at anytime, send email to Majordomo@kids-right.org with the following 1 line in the BODY of the message (Subject is ignored). unsubscribe members
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