NonViolent Action Feb 12th / Organization Items
From: John Murtari (jmurtari@AKidsRight.Org)
This is a message from a mailing list, members@kids-right.org Unsubscribe instructions at bottom of message. ====================================================================== Good People & People of Faith, This may be a good time to discuss future plans for our group, AKidsRight.Org. We have a few major areas to consider: 1. NonViolent Action Continues in Syracuse, NY - February 12th After a welcome break for Christmas and some time off in January so the other guys in my office could get some time off and a trip out West in early February to see my son Domenic (his birthday, he turns 11!)-- I will be back outside the offices of Senator Clinton on the 12th. Your support and participation is welcome and crucial to our success! Details at http://www.AKidsRight.Org/actionc_syr 2. Our meeting with Senator Hillary R. Clinton Our campaign of NonViolent Action continues in an effort to get National attention on the need for reform. There is certainly no better person than Senator Clinton to forward that agenda in Congress. Many of us may not like the Senator or her political positions, but there is a reality we all must recognize. She is a VERY effective politician; she wants to be the first female President of the United States and she HAS to be sensitive to public opinion. If we do not feel confident of our ability to get her to support our goals and get a Family Rights Act or Amendment passed in Congress -- what does that say about us? All prior major Civil Rights legislation had strong support from political leadership. Ours should be the same. For that "first meeting" the goal is a small group of parents. People that can share their stories and the love they had for their kids and the pain caused to their families by our systems failure to recognize and protect our most valuable human right. We will certainly get a live recording of the meeting in a format we can share on the Internet. Would you like to be there? We will soon have a page at our web site with a form you can complete. We are looking for members of our group who can present a common theme and clear goals. Certainly the Senator's staff will also want to hear from other groups and we will also use the opportunity to pass on to her the names of contact people for those groups. Oh, and if you want to "right you own ticket" to that meeting without needing someone else's approval -- you can! If you can participate with me in the current NonViolent Action outside the Senator's office -- your actions will demonstrate your concern and help make that meeting a reality. We need to know our "sound bites" and stay "focused and on topic." Certainly those opposing reform will say we are a "small minority", "have vague goals", and are "disjointed". Now that will be said even if it has no basis in reality. But let's try NOT to make it true. Civil rights goals of the past were clear and easy to understand -- we need to be the same. We have goals at the web site, what do you think? http://www.AKidsRight.Org/appraoch.htm 3. Group Organization - The occurence of that meeting should bring some much needed media attention and we can expect a large swell in membership. We need to be ready to absorb that and have the structure in place that will facilitate smooth growth. So far I have acted as the primary coordinator for the group and management of the web site. We have had volunteers in the past help with other roles such as finances, public relations, and email. Right now the only active volunteer is Kevin Purdy (Boulder, CO) -- he is contact@AKidsRight.Org and many thanks to him! He takes care of folks who complete contact forms at the web site. It would be nice if we could share that load. Please let me know if you are interested in: a). Public relations - being the media contact for the group. You would need to have at least FAX and email capability from your PC so that you can send out News Releases. Your cell phone number would be given on news releases. Your present work should allow you to answer that type of call at any time during the day. You should be very familiar with the groups web site, goals, and history. While some parents are potentially sitting in a Jail Cell -- you will be their voice! b). Email response - Right now we get 1-2 message/day from the site. With more publicity we can expect that to increase and a quick personal response is important. This is more that one person can handle and we will be implementing an email distribution system that allows us to load your email address and the max number of messages you wish to handle in a day (and a way for you to also mark yourself on "vacation"). When someone completes a contact form at the site the system will forward the message to the next available person, it will also track replies. c). Web Site Content - our web site has some specific areas of content. -- Hall of Shame (http://www.AKidsRight.Org/shame.htm) -- Public Action (http://www.AKidsRight.Org/public.htm) -- Legislative Action (http://www.AKidsRight.Org/legislative.htm) -- Court Action (http://www.AKidsRight.Org/court.htm). Your help is again welcome. 4. Registered membership / Personal Meetings - If you haven't taken the time to register on our support page, http://www.AKidsRight.Org/member.php3 -- you are welcome to do so. It allows people near you to know about your presence, it also allows you to post a web site (whether it be your own or that of a group you are associated with). It is difficult to find a date/time when a meeting can be held. If you live in New York, or the Northeast -- and have time to drive to Baldwinsville (just north of Syracuse, NY) -- I'd be happy to speak with you about the group, our goals, and how you can help at my office. If you think we are going the WRONG WAY, and have time to talk, you are also welcome! Just call me at my number below and we can set something up. Anytime during the week of Jan 26-31st is fine (if it doesn't matter, try for Friday or Saturday afternoon). For a map click here: http://maps.yahoo.com/maps_result?ed=B20G0ep_0TrfojvIy0oee7aTC.HO02XOITXR7vMYQ_h22IXpPUYfuc_8L.BL3A87.rMiKOjU568GJw--&csz=Baldwinsville%2C+NY+13027-2619 &country=us&mag=6 John Murtari ____________________________________________________________________ Coordinator AKidsRight.Org jmurtari@AKidsRight.Org "A Kids Right to BOTH parents" Toll Free (877) 635-1968(x-211) http://www.AKidsRight.Org/ ================================================================== To unsubscribe from this list at anytime, send email to Majordomo@kids-right.org with the following 1 line in the BODY of the message (Subject is ignored). unsubscribe members
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