[AKidsRight.Org] Your FEEDBACK & Letters to Sen. Clinton / Pennsylvannia Press Conference on Reform (May 5th)
From: Webmaster (webmaster@akidsright.org)
This is a message from the AKidsRight.Org mailing list. Unsubscribe instructions at bottom of message. ======================================= Good People & People of Faith, This message contains info on: 1. Pennsylvania Family Court Reform Press Conference/March - May 5th. 2. On-Line petition for reform in Illinois - please sign! 3. How to get your Message to the Media - common sense guidelines. 4. Letters to Senator Hillary R. Clinton - work on reform! 5. Your FEEDBACK - Recent efforts with Senator Clinton. 6. Your Messages - A reminder of why we work for reform. 1. Pennsylvania Family Court Reform Press Conference/March - May 5th. -------------------------------------------------------------------- Submitted by: AnnaMarie Tucker <colin2178@yahoo.com> Summary:: Pennsylvania Family Court Reform Press Conference/March Date-Time:: May 5, 2004 11:00 am - 1:00 pm Location:: Capitol Rotunda, Capitol Building, Harrisburg PA Group-Name:: Pennsylvania Family Court Reform Web-Site:: http//:pfcr.childrensjustice.org/ Description:: Press Conference for public awareness of Rebuttable Presumptive Joint Custody Legislation HB 2041Public awareness concerning Recommendation 67 of the Procedural Rules Committee concerning child support guidelines. We will be discussing the guidelines - why they are unfair, and suggestions for correcting them. Public opinion regarding the guidelines is open until May 7, 2004. We urge all mothers, fathers, grandparents and friends to come join us to bring to light the adversarial conditions in Pennsylvania Family Courts. On-Line Petition: All Pennsylvania Residents PLEASE sign and forward to all you know in PA. We NEED signatures to show our legislators we support Presumptive Joint Custody. http://www.petitiononline.com/pfcr/ ======= If your group has any events for Mothers and Fathers seeking Family Law reform, please submit them on our event form at http://www.AKidsRight.Org/events.htm 2. On-Line petition for reform in Illinois ------------------------------------------ --- Bob Lasheff <dadstillherealways@comcast.net> Would you be so kind as to direct your membership to .... http://www.PetitionOnline.com /HFL57873/petition.html FAMILY RIGHTS PETITION and although it is specifically directed to press ILLINOIS legis. it is open to all and I believe it has much to say. Dedicated to "THE BEST INTEREST OF OUR CHILDREN" 3. How to get your Message to the Media - ------------------------------------------ --- "dave.mortimer" <dave.mortimer@ntlworld.com> > Check out this link, there is some valuable info on how to effectively > get our cause out to the media and draw public attention to the > problems we are trying to right. Make good use of this info! > http://nccanch.acf.hhs.gov/pubs/factsheets/media.cfm 4. Letters to Senator Hillary R. Clinton - work on reform! --------------------------------------------------------- Our continued efforts to get a meeting: http://www.AKidsRight.Org/actionc_syr --- Dr. Malcolm Hatfield, MD <hatfield@pol.net> Franksville, WI 53126 April 9, 2004 Dear Senator Clinton: As a father who has fought an uphill battle to be a parent to my daughter over the past 11 years I can say that there is nothing at all that has to do with ``family'' values in ``Family Court''. Since my ex-wife filed for divorce in 1993, this so called ``Family'' court has done nothing but place barriers between my daughter and me. It has been made very clear to me that the only thing this court cares about is money, in the form of child support, expert witness fees, legal fees and court costs. This is wrong and as a direct result of this court's actions, my daughter was hospitalized in 2001 at the age of 11 with inflammatory bowel disease. Her bone age was over 2 years delayed and her height and weight for age were below the 5th percentile. All of this is directly due to the stress in her life that Racine County Family Court created. In addition, this so called ``Family'' court allowed my ex-wife to move back to her home in Illinois with my daughter for no good reason other than the fact that she had no friends in Wisconsin and didn't wish to live here anymore. Fortunately for me, my uphill battle to be a father to my daughter has ended. The reason is that now my daughter is 15 years old and old enough to do what she wants, when she wants. She pays no attention to the orders of the so called ``Family'' court that restricts visitation and limits her contact with her father. Every child deserves and needs a strong relationship with BOTH parents. Racine County Family Court has done nothing but place solid barriers between my daughter and me since 1993. Please pass Federal legislation that puts an end to this intrusion into the lives of people who are guilty of absolutely nothing whatsoever.....all under the guise of ``the best interest of the child''. I support Mr. John Murtari's non-violent actions 100%. --- THARPER001@aol.com > Just wanted to let you that I sent an e-mail to Hillary Clinton > encouraging her to meet with you. I'm not sure if it will do any good > as I am not a New York resident, but maybe the right department will > get it and someone will actually take the story seriously. I > certainly wish there was more that I could do. We are currently > involved in a custody battle that has been going on since October > 2003. We're still waiting to get in front a judge. We've been denied > for an emergency hearing, and the mother actually walked out of the > deposition last month. I'm sure now it will be more months of waiting > until an actual hearing date is set -- if we ever get to that point. > I wish you the best of luck. Even though people might not have your > courage to physically go to the government building, I would > definitely encourage them to write letters. That is something that > almost every one can do. > Thanks so much for your fight for family law reform. --- "NEJAD, JOHN K" <jnejad@oppd.com> > I have written to Senator Clinton in the past regarding this > issue. Her office responded that since I am out of State of N.Y., she > does not have time to respond to me. > Good luck 5. Your FEEDBACK - Recent efforts with Senator Clinton. ------------------------------------------------------ Some thoughts on NonViolent Action and our efforts to get a meeting with the Senator. http://www.AKidsRight.Org/actionc_syr --- AnnaMarie Tucker <colin2178@yahoo.com> > GREAT job, John.!!! --- "semperfidelis528" <semperfidelis528@yahoo.com> > "Rebellion to tyrants is obedience to God." Ben Franklin --- "Ned Holstein" <nedholst@fathersandfamilies.org> President > I'm tempted to unsubscribe. This email is long and rambling, and one > must piece together what happened from bits and pieces of various > emails, and finally, at the end, we do not see what the Senator's > reply was!! > Could future emails be briefer and to the point, and contain the > important info? Editing is needed -- not just regurgitation. > http://www.fathersandfamilies.org/ --- "Timothy Himes" <baldurkhan@hotmail.com> > I will never understand politics. I will never understand how anyone > in governmental positions holding a degree of political power can > simply turn their heads to a matter as urgent as this. Now, i begin to > wonder why we have elected so many of the same kinds of people into > office? > I think they do respond to urgent National issues. I think a > politician as good as Mrs. Clinton is always sensitive to public > opinion. One measure of "urgency" is feedback from their > constituents. I assume you have taken the time to write your Members > of Congress and let then know how you feel (you'd be surprised how few > people actually do). I'd also assume you have taken the time to call > their local offices in your area and gone down to talk to an aid in > person about your "urgent" issue (even less people do that). > The other measure is public action and there is very little of that in > the news? One of the great handicaps of our "issue" is that for most parents involved in this mess, their solution is simple, "I want my kid back from the other spouse" ... they aren't interested in hearing or supporting the 'rights' of the other parent, or their child to be with both parents. If their child was taken by 'Child Protective Services', they want the child back, but don't ask me to share time with my former spouse. These are unique hurdles we face that other Civil Rights movements did not have to the same degree. All 'Blacks' were in the same boat and saw themselves that way. Right now we see ourselves as competing "Mothers" and "Fathers" -- when we see ourselves and our rights as "Parents" -- maybe we get action? --- Brad Herman <Brad.Herman@mssm.edu> http://www.AKidsRight.org/actionc_syr/clinton11.htm > This is a very well written letter to Senator Clinton. However, as I > become aware of more of the issues, I believe her to be our ENEMY, NOT > our means of getting a Family Rights Act into place. Perhaps, we > should go to our more "reasonable" and experienced Senator: Charles > Schumer. I have read excerpts from Senator Hillary Clinton's book: > "It Takes a Village". In that book, she speaks of the government's > need to intervene in the private lives of parents and children from > the moment the child is born!!! This allows CPS to have an easy > avenue to terminate the parents' rights to raise their own child. In > fact, an implementation of this is seen in Broome County, New York. > My sister has been training up there as part of her clinical rotations > as a nursing student (she'll be graduating next month from Binghamton > University as an R.N. with a B.S.). According to my sister, an > automatic visit is paid to each family from a State Social Worker as > soon as they bring home their newborn from the hospital!!! First of > all, HOW INTRUSIVE!!! Second of all, this is not an ideal time to > judge a new family. The new family is extremely sleep-deprived and > even in the most "normal" families (whatever "normal" means), there is > a myriad of chaos when a new baby first comes home. This ploy, > derived from Senator Clinton herself, is nothing more than a means to > allow CPS to justify wrongfully removing children from their parents > by identifying "high risk" families using a criteria for "high risk" > that mainly is derived from prejudices and pre-conceived notions. > Senator Clinton is a "carpet-bagging" hypocrite! She claims to be > "pro-family" and yet she implements policies that break down the bond > between a parent and a child. I think that perhaps our efforts may be > better spent at trying to meet with Senator Schumer. Take care. Thanks for the message. I agree that some of the stuff above sounds terrible. The very idea of the government "checking up on you." But there is one thing, I ready Clinton's book also and caught on to those same passage. But I have to say, that if I had read that before growing through my awful divorce, and watching it happen to ME -- I might have agreed with her! --- Jerry Weimar <Jerry_Weimar@partech.com> > Take it for what its worth from an old friend - I think you have gone > overboard in focusing on Clinton - she clearly doesn't want to talk to you - > so even if you managed to force her to do so somehow it seems that she and > her staff have ill-will toward you, so what would you get out of it?! To an > outside observer (me included) it looks like you are just being stubborn > because she and her staff "dissed" you. Clinton is not a be-all end-all > and the only pass to success; why do you need her to push the cause forward? > ; you don't! So find another path - she is a complete waste of time for your > cause. > You are not one that takes outside advise very well - but try this > time - John, you are actually hurting yourself, your kid, and your > cause by the (almost fanatical) focus on Clinton. John, I am your > friend. I think your cause has merit - I really do. And I wish you > success. But you've gone crazy on the Clinton thing. Give it up bud > - find another path! I might agree with you if she was a Senator from Washington and I was driving cross country to see her. But she is my Senator and you have to admit she is probably the most powerful force in Congress on Family issues. I know what you mean about 'ill will' -- but that hasn't come from here and frankly I don't even know if she is aware of what is happening and how it is being described to her by staff? You know how that is. We are trying to break through some stereotypes and I think we can do that. It has been done in the past. 6. Your Messages - A reminder of why we work for reform. ------------------------------------------------------- --- Joan <joancoots@tds.net> > I just wanted you to know that I agree with your proposals on the > child support issues. I am a mother of two, divorced and have recently > remarried. My husband now also has a child from a previous marriage > which he pays child support on. Which my ex doesn't and it is court > ordered. But I really believe that it is only fair that non-custodial > parents should have rights in their children's lives other than just > being their for the dollar. And if the non-custodial parent is going > to have to pay child support then it should be based on what the > government pays in welfare per child. In my opinion it should be > considered discrimination against the non-custodial parent if he or > she is paying more than any other non-custodial parent or government > agency. Without a doubt, the child-support issue is a major concern and is extremely inequitable in its present form. Of course, the money isn't the important issue though. The entire family law court system needs major reform. At the very least, judges need to be held accountable for their decisions, just like everyone else in society. Kevin Purdy, contact@AKidsRight.Org --- Devoregvlove@aol.com > I have a friend who was told she could not keep her children because > she used alternative heating. This is frightening. Because she is not > financially able to move into a better home, or pay for more > conventional heating she lost her grandchildren. This sounds more than > illegal to me, this is saying because she is not wealthy, a lower > class citizen she and her daughter are not eligible to have > children. This has taken place in Kentucky. The mother was told the > same thing. Including the fact her daughter missed to much school, the > doctors note means nothing in court. > They were not told any other reason why their children were taken, > they refuse her any advocate, because she is not able to pay a > lawyer. She now is depressed, can't work, can find any motivation to > eat, or communicate. The country is lost to Socialistic views of State > Power over civil rights. That is sad enough but it gets worse. > Americans need to protect their rights because the courts no longer > will. --- Dan Bentley <ineverstoppedbeingadaddy@yahoo.com> > I am currently embroiled in a pitched battle with a s2bx wife and the > Mont. Co. Md. CPS and court system. I have been exonerated in two > separate investigations of spousal and child abuse= unsubstantiated > and unfounded. The CPS lady one Diane Schofiled admitted under oath she > disagreed with those findings and became both my children's case worker > and therapist (yes illegally and in violation of code, ethics and > basic morality). She fired their first therapist because she didn't > "get it" and had diagnosed the kids as suffering from "oppositional > behavior disorder", not abuse sufferers, so Schofield fired her. They > were diagnosed as sulfuring from PTSD 3 weeks after I was forcibly > removed from their lives under proven false allegations with no > finding as to me being at fault, only that they suffered from it > DUH!. In the intervening cases my s2bx has "evolved" her allegations > and none of her original ones are included in the final prayings > except for the charge that I beat her wi! th a belt and shook one of > my children. She and CPS then went after my sons and were totally > discredited in that arena. YET judge Rupp from Mont. Co. gave her sole, > and me "supervised visits". > I am waiting for he final order to be handed down from him. I am > already working on the appeal of his dismissing all of my motions and > pleadings- like DOCUMENTATION and court ordered physiological > evaluations on all parties and such. Plus what I can recall of his > order that he told my s2bx wife's attorney to draw up!: Good G-d! So > her "proposed draft" came back with of course- all in s2bx's benefit, > no time lines and nothing to assure these kids will get any more than > supervised visits ever- with their daddy. SO, long story short ANY > tips leads, reference materials, Md. law links or anything you might > know of would be of huge interest to me. I just found your link from > this site and I hope you might have some tips. I am doing this all pro > se - I fired the attorney I had- he was woefully inept at all phases > of the issues and how to handle the case, and in fact i have gotten > farther without him "guiding" me. I apologize for the rambling nature- > it gets hard to explain what my ! kids have been through in the year > since I last saw them- in such a short venue.. Thanks in advance for > your time and considerations; and I look forward to learning more > about and from your site and hope that you should find my admission to > be of mutual benefit, Thanks for your letter. I'm very sorry to hear the beating you've taken at the hands of your local court system. Supervised visits, huh? No parent should have to suffer that type of relationship with their child. It may take awhile, but things will improve. Stay rational, stay calm, and keep thinking of your kids. Be their rock. Show them that you care enough to stick with them no matter how much the system tries to keep you apart. Kevin contact@AKidsRight.org Webmaster ____________________________________________________________________ Member AKidsRight.Org "A Kid's Right to BOTH parents" http://www.AKidsRight.Org/ ======================================= Newsletter mailing list Newsletter@kids-right.org subscribe/unsubscribe info below: http://kids-right.org/mailman/listinfo/newsletter
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