[AKidsRight.Org] Expecting arrest - our effort to meet with Senator Clinton.
From: John Murtari (jmurtari@akidsright.org)
This is a message from the AKidsRight.Org mailing list. Unsubscribe instructions at bottom of message. ======================================= Good People & People of Faith, I'd like to bring you a more personal update in what has happened in the last week and what we might expect in the future. I won't spend time recapping what has past and our goals, for those: http://www.AKidsRight.Org/approach.htm (Goals) http://www.AKidsRight.Org/actionc_syr (Effort with Senator Clinton) This message is a little rambling because of the content. In brief I will be making a dedicated effort to enter the Syracuse Federal Building today, Wednesday, Aug 25th, at about 2pm. This will most likely result in my arrest (although I still hope officials will reconsider and allow me to walk as I have in the past). The web site will be updated with what happened. Our focus is on our elected Federal representative (Senator Clinton) regarding the recognition and protection of our Civil Right to raise the children we love. Events of the last week. ----------------------- Last Tuesday, Aug 17th, I returned to the Federal Building fully expecting to be arrested. I was not. I was not even allowed to enter the building. Federal Officers blocked my path. They had done this in the past, but when they realized I was willing to stand there all afternoon, they allowed me into the building and then arrested me. This time they were prepared and had a rotation setup with building security so there was always someone blocking my path. I really didn't know what to make of it? I stood outside from 2-4pm, holding up our petition to Senator Clinton and just thinking -- now what? If I stand there right near the door they may just decided to charge me with blocking the entrance.... I went home that day, a pleasant surprise, and decided to come back the next day at the same time -- and again try to enter, and again try to see if they would wait me out. They blocked my path and again had a rotating shift of officers. Finally, on Thursday, Aug 19th, I decided to make my FIRST point to visit the Federal Court Clerk to get some paperwork. After some confusion at the door -- they allowed me to go to the Clerk's office, with an escort. I wasn't sure what they would do once I was inside the building, they had never used physical force to push me out without an arrest. Well, that day they did. I realized there was no way around it. They were not going to let me up to the 14th floor where the Senator's offices were located. I decided I would just have to make the effort at the front door and probably be arrested there. For a while I thought I would go back on Friday and "do it." But then I thought I also needed to write to both the Judge and the Senator to make clear what was happening (letters at the website, link above). On Monday and Tuesday, Aug 23 & 24, I went to the building in the morning and just stood outside for a couple of hours holding our petition for help. I knew people had written and called and I wanted to give that a chance to 'work.' NonViolent Action is 'working' ------------------------------ It is sometimes hard to put all this in perspective for people who haven't come by the building to 'see' what is happening (and there haven't been any of those lately). I still have four pending arrests from the Spring. Both the Judge and US Attorney were kind enough to 'delay' proceedings so I could have my six weeks of summer vacation with Domenic. The 'understanding' was I would probably be convicted and sentenced in August (I fully expected to be serving a sentence for those four offenses by now). What I found was no desire to proceed even after writing the Judge and US Attorney's office. I began to get the distinct impression that if I just 'went away' and never came back -- the pending charges would just be forgotten. Everyone knows I am not a 'criminal' -- they want to stop me from what I am doing, but with some reluctance... NOTE - I DO NOT turn the Courtroom into a political forum on Family Law reform. I DO NOT hassle the various police officers as they 'handle' me through the system. If anyone asks me my motive, I tell them. Our focus is on our elected Federal representatives regarding the recognition and protection of our Civil Right to raise the children we love. Regarding recent events. It is clear they do not want more arrests. Perhaps your calls/letters had an affect and the Senator has made it clear she doesn't want a peaceful constituent arrested outside her doors. There is always the potential for the media to pick up the story and it could require an awkward explanation. Perhaps the officials think, 'this guy is a crack pot, but he is a well meaning and good intentioned crack pot -- and we'll try to give him a break...' NonViolent Action ----------------- I don't look forward to what will happen over the next few days. But at the same time I have no second thoughts -- it is the right action, it is the right level of sacrifice, something that corresponds to the depth of the injustice and pain inflicted on my family. My GREAT right to be a parent to my own child was trampled upon like a bit of dirt. The last couple of days I got to be a classic 'protestor' or maybe a 'demonstrator' standing outside the building and holding a 'sign'. Boy, did I feel silly at times. It was a little inconvenient, but pretty easy to do. I could not help but think, "THIS is suppose to change history? Doing THIS is suppose to change how our nation thinks about parents and children? It just doesn't seem like 'work'." Please don't get me wrong, if we'd of had hundreds of mothers and fathers out there. It would mean something and I think those days are coming. But is THIS parent going to wait for even two others, no. If you have the time go to the web site and jump around to the various sections. I think we have some GREAT quotes leading the various sections, and here is one I like: "I am only one, but I am one. I cannot do everything, but I can do something and because I cannot do everything, I will not refuse to do the something that I can do. What I can do, I should do and what I should do, by the Grace of God, I will do." Edward Everett Hale Faith ----- Yes, what about that 'Grace of God' stuff? So much of what I do and the purpose of the website is to document an effort at NonViolent Action. We compare/contrast historical examples at the web site. Information on other 'civil rights' movements, http://www.AKidsRight.Org/civil_back.htm I don't know about you, but I am a skeptical person. I'm an engineer by training and I've always like things I can touch & measure. I read a lot of history on NonViolent Action, most recently the actions of Gandhi and King -- it all made sense. But we haven't followed their example in a while (almost 50 years) and times have changed. The new 'vogue' is blowing things up: buildings, airplanes, cars, other people, yourself. It is suppose to bring much needed media attention and show how 'oppressed' you are. Imagine that! In some ways I look at this as an 'experiment.' I've read the theory, but how do you actually practice it? It is one thing to read about an internal combustion engine -- quite another to build one! The web site documents our experiences and mistakes in deep detail... But the other thing going on 'behind the scenes' is Faith. There is a church a few blocks away from the Federal Building -- and on every trip I will stop by just to pray and reflect. "God, I know you love A.(my former spouse), Domenic, and I. Please open our hearts so that A. and I can both be parents to Domenic. Please keep watch over Mamma while I'm gone. Please protect us all and keep us safe. Help me and guide me in what I do today. That my actions show my faith in you -- please keep me from doing anything stupid...and guide my actions... there is so much at stake here... give me the confidence and Faith I need to continue. Amen." As hopefully more of us prepare to take NonViolent Action -- will there be painful experiences? Yes. Will something 'bad/evil' happen to us? It is inconceivable. -- John Murtari ____________________________________________________________________ Coordinator AKidsRight.Org jmurtari@AKidsRight.Org "A Kid's Right to BOTH parents" Toll Free (877) 635-1968(x-211) http://www.AKidsRight.Org/ ======================================= Newsletter mailing list Newsletter@kids-right.org subscribe/unsubscribe info below: http://kids-right.org/mailman/listinfo/newsletter
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