[AKidsRight.Org] News from NY, Kentucky, Minnesota, Wisconsin, Canada, Australia & Your FEEDBACK!
From: AKidsRight.Org Webmaster (webmaster@AKidsRight.org)
Good People and People of Faith, * The US Federal Anti-Kid-School-Drugging Law - how/did it pass? * Join in the 2004 Santa March for Family Justice (Dec 18) - Vancouver, BC * New York State - where it stands on Family Legislation. * Join FIRM - a march on Mother's day. * Minnesotta - MNFRA working for 'child protective' reform. * Australia - word from the Non-Custodial Parent's Party. * Kentucky - Family Rights and Petitions! * Letter to the Editor - from a physician in Wisconsin. * Your FEEDBACK - Protecting our GREAT right. What about sacrifice? NOTE - we have a lot of announcements in this message. If your group would like something posted to our list, please fill out the event form we have at http://www.AKidsRight.Org/events.htm Right now we have over 5,000 list members and we can certainly help spread the news! * The US Federal Anti-Kid-School-Drugging Law - how/did it pass? ---------------------------------------------------------------- We noted a message on a few newsgroups that President Bush had signed a law that would STOP schools from being able to force parents to give their kids anti-psychotic drugs for behavior problems. The report sounded unusual since it would go counter to the interests of most paid lobbyists in Washington. We tried to find some independent confirmation of the law on news web sites, but could not find a story. If anyone has some references on this legislation, please let us know. We'd also be interested in how such a law was passed. * Join in the 2004 Santa March for Family Justice - Vancouver, BC ----------------------------------------------------------------- Submitted by: santamarch@canada.com A message from the Burnaby Batman to send a friendly reminder to all Vancouver, BC, Canada supporters of family justice reform : The march will take place on Saturday December the 18th between 10 am and Noon. Marchers will be departing from the White Spot parking lot at Park Royal South in West Vancouver at 10:00am on Saturday December 18th, 2004 and proceeding over the Lions Gate Bridge to the Art Gallery back steps located at Robson and Hornby St in Vancouver where they will continue the march at Noon to deliver a message to the BC Supreme Court at 800 Smithe. Those interested are asked to reply to this message with a request for the finalized event details to: * New York State - where it stands on Family Legislation. -------------------------------------------------------- Submitted by: Randall Dickinson <dickins895@aol.com> With the recent elections now behind us, it may be time to take stock of their outcomes and the implications for non-custodial parents and their families. While the results may not have been all we might have hoped for, the important thing to keep in perspective is that we gained substantially simply by our participation in the process alone. Even more importantly, however, we can legitimately claim credit for having had an influence in those races where we targeted our resources. * Susan John was forced to work harder and spend more money to hold onto her Assembly seat in her race against Mike Slattery in Rochester * Judge Paul Czajka came perilously close to losing his position on the bench in Columbia County * Assemblyman Michael Benjamin of the Bronx learned that committee votes against family and matrimonial law reform are not closed-door affairs and that the word can travel like wildfire and can threaten the political prospects of those who choose to ignore the fact * Advocates for fathers and families demonstrated their availability to participate in the political campaigns of those who support family and matrimonial law reform, such as Assemblyman Steve Kaufman���s bid for a vacant Senate seat in Westchester County * Last but not least, Senator Nancy Lorraine Hoffman was defeated in her race against David Valesky, in part because she lost the support of non-custodial parents by refusing to respond to efforts to engage her in any meaningful dialogue on the issue of family and matrimonial law. .. We should all be looking now to the future, and beginning to focus our attention on the elections coming up in two years. With that long to prepare, there is every reason to be confident we will have an even greater impact in November of '06', if we take advantage of the opportunity, that is. Getting a jump on it early will be the key. The Coalition of Fathers and Families New York, Inc., will be developing and distributing lists of those elected reps. who support family and matrimonial law reform and those who do not. It should be noted that those who attempt to simply ignore the issues and hope that they just go away before having to define their positions - as Nancy Lorraine Hoffman did -, will be listed as unsupportive of non-custodial parents and their families. In the mean time, two names that have already appeared as targets to oppose in the next election are none other than U.S. Senator Hillary Clinton and New York Attorney General Elliott Spitzer. While it is being widely speculated that Senator Clinton will be the Democratic Party's candidate for President of the United States in 2008, she still has to be re-elected to the U.S. Senate in 2006. Senator Clinton has consistently opposed any reforms perceived by her as being favorable to men generally. She has been one of the leading voices in the witch-hunt for so-called 'deadbeat dads', and has called for ever-increasingly more confiscatory and punitive child support standards. She has refused to participate in any meaningful dialogue with representatives of New York's 2.5 million non-custodial parents and their families. Indeed, she refuses to even meet with them. ... As for Elliott Spitzer, he announced today that he intends to be the Democratic Party's candidate for Governor of New York in 2006. Attorney General Spitzer has recently demonstrated his support for non-custodial parents by arranging to have their class-action law suite for violation of their Constitutional right to raise their children without the interference of the state dismissed. Seems he considers the rights of parents to sue for more 'equitable' custody and/or visitation arrangements for their own children to be 'frivolous'. Non-custodial parents and their families, in turn, have an obligation to demonstrate to Mr. Spitzer at the polls in 2006 that they consider his bid to become governor of New York equally as 'frivolous'! * Join FIRM - a march on Mother's day. -------------------------------------- Submitted by: "Eric Ericson" <Eric87443@hotmail.com> > FIRM is part of a new world wide effort to to "march" across out > respective countries starting May 8th, 2005 on Mothers Day. > I think that our first goal should be to march to NY and "visit" > Hillary with you. What do you think about this idea? > I am in Maine and it will take months for me to march to NY more > than likely. Below is a little history of what is going on if you > are not aware of this. > I have cc'd Wayne Alan (the guy that can get us out of jail, if > necessary) and Wayne Cook (achievemax e-mail address in Canada) and > Thomas Lessman of the Million Dads March. > http://www.FIRMncp.com/ "Equality is not a difficult concept." I like the tag line: "Equality is not a difficult concept." -- I would certainly welcome more people visiting Senator Clinton's local office. It would finally get some real media attention. I especially like the idea of Fathers doing it to help Mothers who have been cutoff from their kids! * Minnesotta - MNFRA working for reform. --------------------------------------- Ken Lehman <klehman@mnafra.com> > I'd rather protest and demonstrate without being arrested, but We > can work together. > I am in the Twin Cities of Minnesota and the founder of our Group is > up North. We have a grandparents that lost her grandkids to a foster > home fire that followed medical neglect. The fire was suspicious > too. > Matt Kneen was one of the speakers of a congressional inquiry. He > got arrested for rescuing the only child he has left from the system > when Children Services tried stepping in again. He is in the > Sherborne Co. Jail in Minnesota. Melanie our Founder was arrested > without a warrant or the reading of her rights by a St. Louis > Co. Deputy. She was the one that took her kids away only to get > them back through the expense of an attorney. > The Sheriff also violated the plea agreement and we plan on > collecting the names and publishing them in some kind of format that > will make them realize that you may shut one of us up for a while > but not all of us ever. > WE are working on all our cases and gearing up to nail these > people. I was lucky to not have Children Services affect me but it's > all around me and I don;t like people messing with kids or my > friends. > I also don't like government agencies or schools to over run the > people that pay them including me. > The thing that gets me is that these people that claim to know what > is in the best interest of the children know the least. > Mn Chapter American Family Rights Assoc. > MN AFRA / Redress > P.O. Box 131057 > Roseville, MN 55113-0009 > http://www.mnafra.com/ , http://groups.yahoo.com/group/mnafra/ > http://groups.msn.com/MNFamilyRightsAssoc/ * Australia - word from the Non-Custodial Parent's Party -------------------------------------------------------- --- "John Flanagan" <jef0002@hotmail.com> We have the same problems and issues here in Australia. John Flanagan, Deputy Registered Officer, Non-Custodial Parents Party http://www.ncpp.xisle.info/ * Kentucky - Family Rights and Petitions! ----------------------------------------- --- Leighann Smith <clsmith@fuse.net> > I am a PROUD member of Kentuckys Family Rights Association. We try > and help out parents and families when the state has stepped in to > act as a parent to the families amd takes that right away from > them. Help me with this change and how the system is run !!! > ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ > http://www.thepetitionsite.com/takeaction/193234473 > http://www.thepetitionsite.com/takeaction/342107196 > http://www.care2.com/c2c/group/fightingsocialservices > "http://groups.yahoo.com/group/KFRA * Letter to the Editor - from one of our members. ------------------------------------------------ Published -> November 12, 2004, Racine Journal Times, Wisconsin With all the elections behind us, I noticed a Massachusetts ballot proposal that did not get much attention. Over 600,000 voters overwhelmingly supported a ballot proposal supporting joint physical and legal custody of children in child custody cases except where there is clear and convincing evidence that one parent is unfit or that joint custody is not possible. In other words, judges would not have the broad discretion to award one parent as the winner and the other the loser. This removes the overwhelming bias and favoritism that judges award to one parent. According to Ned Holstein of Fathers and Families of Massachusetts, the coordinator of the effort, "approximately 85% voted for joint physical custody of children. The voters represented every area of the state, every ethnic group and every social class.'' Wisconsin legislators and Family courts need to wake up and realize that both researchers and now voters are in agreement that children need both parents. We need less government involvement in children's and parent's lives and more shared parenting by default. Kids need less child support and more real live in-the-flesh parenting. Dr. Malcolm Hatfield, M.D. Franksville * Your FEEDBACK - Protecting our GREAT right. What about sacrifice? ------------------------------------------------------------------- We got a lot of feedback on a recent message regarding this topic. See the original message at: http://www.AKidsRight.Org/archive/archive2004/0047.html As always, we try to give you a chance to respond and also give you the last word! --- Ken Wiebe <kwiebe@continuum.bc.ca> > I agree with you that revolution is premature and talk of it won't > go over too well with the general un-informed public. However, such > feelings must be expected when innocent men are being jailed and > subjected to injustice, and children are being harmed by deliberate > political design. As long as it remains just talk, I would chalk it > up to legitimate expression of frustration and leave it at that. > For now, I think protests such as yours and civil disobedience such > as F4J's is the correct strategy. After more than 20 years of being > ignored by politicians and the courts, I think we have no choice but > to "up the ante" that much. Your protest is of a similar nature, and > you paid the price. > What we need to understand is that our goals (family justice) are > "revolutionary" in the sense that they are in opposition to the > prevailing government doctrine. Revolution does not need to be a > gun-toting bloodbath, although they sometimes do go that far. Look > to the examples of Ghandi and MLK for the style of revolution that > will work for us. If the "revolutionaries" among us will emphasize > that style, then the poublic will not be frightened and probably be > receptive. That seems a reasonable approach that should satisfy all > your concerns. > Ken Wiebe, BC Fathers, http://www.fathers.bc.ca/ Thanks for the thoughtful message and I quite agree! I should explain my strong reaction because I do see some stuff on news groups which seems to call for 'armed struggle' -- and most of the times other people will ignore the message, but no one says how crazy that is in this situation. Sometimes I think it needs to be said. > Yes, I also see some pretty crazy calls for "armed struggle" or > whatever. I am reluctant to go beyond a mild criticism because a > reading of history tells me that this option cannot be completely > ruled out. When all else fails, the only remaining choices are > surrender or armed revolt. As much as I hope it never comes to that, > I know that it has sometimes been the only effective way to address > an entrenched system of injustice. > Consequently, I usually counsel people that it is not yet time for > that. There are many peaceful methods yet to be tried, and it would > be irresponsible and unfair to not try those first. That usually > satisfies them, without alienating them and losing their activist > energies. > The sort of energy and commitment that would lead someone to call > for armed struggle against oppression is valuable and necessary in > our movement. Like it or not, we need them and dare not demoralize > or ostracize them. The key is to channel that energy into peaceful > efforts, at least for now. Who knows what will happen in the future > and what sort of actions will be necessary? All our peaceful efforts > may fall on deaf ears and ultimately fail. If it does become a > black&white question of armed revolt or seeing my sons > enslaved.... well, we will each have to make that decision. And at > that time, we will want those revolutionaries on our side. --- "Tom" <hansont@earthlink.net> > Here is my question to you.? Is it not MARTIAL LAW when NO LAWS are > followed and Military rules by force, what is the difference between > a CPS CASEWORKER WITH TOTAL IMMUNITY FROM FELONIES AND CRIMES > MULTIPLE and using the Police to enforce Crooked Corruption. THERE > IS NO DIFFERENCE, if the democratic system has been overthrown by > Corruption and backed by State that is the over throw of democracy. > Isn't that called TREASON. > We have a Conspiracy PERJURY CASE involving many. We also have our > county just taken over by State because of all the dead kids due to > CPS Corruption/INcompetence, they are going after MEDICAID FRAUD and > that is what this whole dirty thing is about. It is about criminals > in government positions NOT BEING PROSECUTED AND NO RECOURSE because > of the OVERTHROW OF DEMOCRACY in FAMILY COURTS it circumvents the > Constitutional Law and the American Democratic System, can you fight > Treason with words.???? that is my question.???? This stuff is > endorsed top down and covered up from the top...............HOW IS > THAT DEMOCRACY????? > Next question???? Is it legal to go after kidnappers with > force????? > State Sub Committee hearings of STATE KIDNAPPING CHILDREN from > parents NO WARRANT and NO COURT ORDERS same thing at the > Congressional Hearing STATES ARE KIDNAPPING CHILDREN WITH NO COURT > ORDERS OR WARRANTS, what is legal to do to KIDNAPPERS that is my > question????????????????????? Oh the Congressional Hearing > ..............THATS BEEN COVERED UP, ask why and WILL TELL YOU DID > IT and how they MAKE MONEY OFF THE SYSTEM !!!!! CPS is a real mess and it is sometimes not a far stretch to compare their methods to the Nazis and the way they scooped up children. There is an important right being violated, and it is not that different than rights violated in the 50's in the South when a black person couldn't drink out of the same water fountain or even use the same bathroom as a white? Unfortunately, this IS DEMOCRACY in action. These laws are being passed and not enough people really care. I didn't really care either until it happened to me -- how about you? The whole system needs fixing and the rights need to be protected. NonViolent action is a VERY effective method for conversion, and that is what this country needs. Take the time to read some of the stuff we have at the web site, http://www.AKidsRight.Org/civil_back.htm We need to change how other people think. I don't know you from Adam. Are you an accused 'child abuser?'. What do you think is going to make me believe that isn't true -- you punching a social worker in the eye?! Or me watching you make a voluntary sacrifice of your freedom because you love your kids? > HERE IS WHAT IS MY PROOF.........what is your Proof. > NO I'M NOT AN ABUSER ARE YOU AN ABUSER, CPS even testified we were > good parents and said, my wife was a Liar. !!!!!????? > THEY FILED ENDANGERMENT ON US WHEN WE WERE GOING TO THE CASEWORKERS > SUPERVISOR FOR PAPERWORK AND A STRAIGHT ANSWER after 8 months, WE > NEVER GOT ANY PAPERWORK, IT WAS ALL VERBAL. > ALSO WE WERE TRYING TO ADOPT A RELATIVE WHO WAS VOLUNTARILY > RELINQUISHED, AND THEY RECOMMENDED AN OPEN ADOPTION - SEE THAT > DEFINITION, THAT MEANS ON GOING CONTACT WITH BIO PARENTS IS ALLOWED > AFTER THEY TALKED US IN TO CONTACT EIGHT MONTHS LATER THEY FILED > ENDANGERMENT ON US FOR SEEING BIO MOM WITH CHILD, another words for > the visits they talked us into. > * PROBLEM IS JOHN (((( YOU DON'T KNOW ME FROM ADAM ))) SO THE > MEDIATED AGREEMENT WE NEVER SAW SIGNED BY A JUDGE A CPS ATTORNEY THE > CHILD AD LITEM ATTORNEY, A FOSTER CARE SUPERVISOR, A CASEWORKER, AND > BIO PARENTS AND IS ENFORCEABLE AND SANCTIONABLE IN TEXAS WAS HID, > MISFILED AND WE NEVER SAW IT and found it after the trial snoopin at > the court house. > SINCE YOU DON'T KNOW ME FROM ADAM AND THE ATTORNEY FILING FOR NEW > TRIAL BASED ON NEW EVIDENCE AS WE FOUND IT AFTER 8 HEARINGS AND ONE > CROOKED TRIAL, SINCE YOU DON'T KNOW ME FROM ADAM > IT DOESN'T COUNT. RIGHT !!!! > It Perjury and Conspiracy of high level officials. What is your > smart answer to that. > On top of that John I'm going to quit following your story now and > not promote you anymore, and I don't care if you don't believe me, > the Texas Legislature and Texas State Comptroller do, thats why they > pulled our case to use as a model case. > What is your smart answer to that? ------------------------- Webmaster _____________________________________________________________ AKidsRight.Org "A Kid's Right to BOTH parents" http://www.AKidsRight.Org/ ======================================= Newsletter mailing list Newsletter@kids-right.org subscribe/unsubscribe info below: http://kids-right.org/mailman/listinfo/newsletter
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