[AKidsRight.Org] Murtari live on KRightsRadio / Wonder Woman on Trial / Class Action Suits / Reform in Canada and Ireland
From: AKidsRight.Org Webmaster (webmaster@AKidsRight.org)
Good People & People of Faith, This message contains information on: 1. Murtari interview on Internet KRightsRadio - Tomorrow, Jan 13th. 2. Wonder Woman and Batman in Court in Canada - Toronto, Jan 14th. 3. US Class Action Suits - Indiana Civil Rights Council. 4. Canadian Progressive Party - good changes to Divorce Act. 5. Ireland - National attention given to reform. 1. Murtari interview on Internet KRightsRadio - Tomorrow (Jan 13). ----------------------------------------------------------------- AKidsRight.Org coordinator John Murtari will be interviewed tomorrow evening (Thursday, Jan 13) by KRightsRadio. The live Internet broadcast will begin at 7:15PM CST (that is 8:15PM for folks on the East Coast of the US and 5:15PM for those on the Pacific Coast). Go to: http://www.KRightsRadio.com/ - for more info. The broadcast should be at: http://www.KRightsRadio.com/listenlive.php If you miss a live broadcast, many are also archived so you can listen later, see the list at: http://www.KRightsRadio.com/programs.php John will be questioned regarding Group goals and also the methods used. He has lead an ongoing effort using NonViolent Action in an attempt to convince Senator Hillary Clinton to meet with parents hurt by the system. We hope this will encourage her to call for a Congressional Inquiry and the eventual passage of a Family Rights Act to protect families from government. A recent message laid out plans for January 18th at the Syracuse Federal Building, see http://www.AKidsRight.Org/actionc_syr for details. Mr. Richard Farr <richar@krightsradio.com> is the founder of KRightsRadio. He has an extensive public relations and media history and brings a wealth of experience and contact to the family law reform effort. The Internet based station has a global reach and has an active broadcast schedule -- volunteers and financial support are welcome! 2. Wonder Woman and Batman in Court in Canada - Toronto, Jan 14th ----------------------------------------------------------------- From: "Kris Titus" <durhamcoordinator@yahoo.com> > Good day everyone. What a way to start the New Year. Already > Spiderman seen in Toronto and now the beginning of the court battle > for the BigSmoke Batman and Wonder Woman. > Anyone that is interested in attending and showing their support: > Batman and Wonder Woman will be in court on Friday, January 14, 2005 > @ 9:00am at the Ontario Court of Justice located at Old City Hall, > 60 Queen St. W, Toronto. Courtroom no. 111. > Sincerely; > Kris Titus > aka Wonder Woman > Durham Region Coordinator > Fathers-4-Justice Canada > 905-786-9806 Submitted by: Dave Ellison <mad-dogs@ntlworld.com> > See Wonderwoman via: > http://www.amberell.com/campaign.html -- nice summary page with a > lot of pictures of Fathers-4-Justice.org events. > http://www.amberell.com/wonderwoman.html -- from Toronto! 3. Class Action Suit - Indiana Civil Rights Council --------------------------------------------------- Submitted by: "Indiana Civil Rights Council" <indianacrc@netzero.net> > As you can imagine, we are swamped with emails, asking various > questions about the many classaction lawsuits filed on behalf of > noncustodial parents nationwide. Therefore, we have been forced to > use this auto-reply, and ask that you understand if we are not > personally able to respond to your important email. We know there > are horror stories literally everywhere, and that's just another > reason why we filed these lawsuits. > Being a potential plaintiff of the classaction in your > jurisdictional state is rather automatic. Please see the class > description located within the orange/yellow popup box that is on > any page of our website (http://www.indianacrc.org) > NEW - in *most* of the states, you can now file simple papers to get > OFFICIALLY involved as a full, bona-fide co-plaintiff. Please > contact your state's coordinator to check on getting a copy of this > paperwork. There is no cost for this opportunity, except printing > and mailing. For Indiana NCPs, see this page to get officially > involved: http://www.indianacrc.org/ind-lawsuit.html > Also, please contact your own state's coordinator directly for more > detailed information on your own state's progress, or for how you > can help. You can see the contact information for your own state > coordinator by clicking the appropriate link on this page: > http://www.indianacrc.org/classaction.html > You are welcome to join a class action law suit regarding parent's > rights. For more info you can see their home page at: > http://www.indianacrc.org/ > They have done a LOT of work in these pending legal actions and are > looking for people to join the actions in every state. For state by > state details see: > http://www.indianacrc.org/classaction.html They also have a PDF version of a poster they encourage you to post in public areas. It can be downloaded at: http://www.indianacrc.org/AttnNCPs.pdf 4. Canadian Progressive Party - good changes to Divorce Act. ------------------------------------------------------------ Submitted by: Denis Van Decker <djrvd@yahoo.com> I was able to get the following Amendment PASSED this morning at the Canadian Progressive Party York Regional Policy Conference. To be inserted between Points 56. (ii) and (iii) A Conservative government will make the necessary changes to the Divorce Act so that in the event of a marital breakdown, the Divorce Act will define a presumption of joint residency and equal parenting unless it is clearly demonstrated to not be in the best interests of the children. Judicial Training would be implemented to ensure the rights of a child to continue to have both parents; the rights and responsibilities of a parent to continue to be an equal parent; and the rights and responsibilities of all grandparents to have access to their grandchildren. The Conference was held in Newmarket and unfortunately I was the only Fathers Rights representative at the meeting I (I had no response to both my general or specific requests for additional equal parenting advocates to also attend . But being the persuasive, charming, persistent that I am I was able to work the room and the process and achieve success. I have attached what my original proposed amendment was. I used Brian Jenkins' amendment as a start and added some teeth re Equality and Judicial Training. It was admittedly a little large and unwieldy so with feedback at my table we edited to what was passed unanimously at our table. Key parts from the feedback was very strong support for grandparents, children's rights and adding responsibilities where I was talking about rights. A key unexpected bonus for me was a woman at my table whose father was granted sole custody and she said it was not fair how her mother's involvement in her life was restricted. Both at my table and from the audience in general there were many knowing Nods when I asked if anyone knew of anyone who has gone through the hell of the Canadian Family Injustice System. It was then one of 15 proposed to the conference as a whole (approximately 80 people). I spoke to the issue - I think quite well - I have also appended the text of my speech. Afterwards I received comments from people thinking I was a lawyer due to the proficiency of my presentation and the knowledge of the issues from which I spoke - they were trying to pay me a compliment although I could start of better comparisons to do so. Because there was 4 Ridings together on this meeting 8 proposed amendments will make it through to the National Policy Meeting. Of course there was significant "competition" from Health, Justice, Governance, Foreign Affairs, Environmental etc. My Amendment apparently was near the bottom of the 8 that passed with 26 votes and the top amendment received 36 votes. Now what can each of us do to further the process: 1. If any of you are in a riding that still has the policy conference to come I suggest you get registered as a CPC member and then attend at your policy meeting and try to get this proposal (or a similar one ... Brian Jenkins and maybe others have had similar ones also approved to go through). 2. Try to get nominated by your ridging to be a delegate to the Policy Convention March 17 - 19 in Montreal. This is a separate meeting. For instance in my Riding of Aurora-Newmarket the DSM (Delegate Selection Meeting) is being held on January 27. There are apparently 10 delegates per riding. 3. If you do not go to the convention ask the party executive to allow you to talk to the people who are going to prepare them for the issue. I am going to try to do that in all 4 ridings in York Region that were represented at the Conference. I encourage you to talk to your own people about my amendment and equal parenting in general in order to hopefully influence them for their vote in March. 4. If you can not meet with them write a letter and ask for it to be forwarded to them. 5. Write to the National CPC Headquarters in support of an Equal Parenting amendment making it to the agenda of the convention. A quick aside re process ... the next step is that the National Headquarters are the ones who are going to set the agenda for the National Convention. So they may decide to take a) mine b) Brian's c) others if there are any d) a modified / blended e) or nothing at all. I am keenly interested to know if anyone out there is planning on going to the National Convention. I want to ensure that some one is there to talk to the issue. I would have likely been able to go and talk to my amendment (Belinda was recommending me) but I will be with my daughter for the first time in 5 years for March Break. Please contact me off list re any assistance required for your riding or of course on list for questions of general interest to the group(s). 5. Ireland - National attention given to reform. ----------------------------------------------- Submitted by: "Men on the Move" <menonthemove@eircom.net> [This is an interesting story. It appears that in Ireleand if an unmarried couple has a child -- the father has no rights at all by law. That may be changing. - Ed.] > Irish Examiner Jan 7, 2003 > Single fathers set for equal rights > By Dan Buckley > http://www.irishexaminer.com/pport/web/ireland/Full_Story/did-sgYyGFUkqYuBUsg0aewFBADppk.asp > SINGLE fathers will be given the same rights as mothers in the care > of their children under a radical review of State guardianship > policies ordered by Social and Family Affairs Minister Seamus > Brennan. > The minister has asked officials in his department to conduct an > in-depth review of current State policies and laws on access rights > and he is also in discussions with the Justice Minister Michael > McDowell about the urgent need to have the 40-year-old Guardianship > of Infants Act reviewed. > The minister told the Irish Examiner he strongly believes the > legislation needs to be reviewed so that it keeps pace with and > reflects the considerable changes in Irish society that have > occurred in the intervening four decades. > "The first thing to do is to make sure that the rights that are > there already are fully used for the benefit of fathers," said the > minister. However, he said he was prepared to argue strongly for > legislative changes that would give both parents equal status before > the law. > "There should not be an automatic assumption in court cases that the > mother is the only parent fully entitled to care for a child," said > Mr Brennan. This is the strongest indication yet of the > Government's determination to make sweeping changes to current laws > and give the estimated 150,000 separated and single fathers a > greater say in the rearing of their children. > Under the 1964 Act, a mother has automatic right to guardianship > regardless of her marital status. The father can only acquire > guardianship either through marriage to the mother, getting her > agreement to joint guardianship or being granted it by a court. > "If the laws or the administration of those laws is not helpful then > it is my job to see how it can be changed," said the minister, who > has consulted with a number of father's rights groups since taking > over the post last September. > Mr Brennan added that he was also prepared to seek amendments to the > law to allow vulnerable single fathers equal access to their > children and favoured separating the issue of child maintenance from > that of access. He added, however, that while basic laws and > administration must start from the presumption of equality, "if that > has to be moved the court has to have that freedom to do so". > The minister has met dozens of family organisations and has promised > them a full review of current Government policy. An > inter-departmental Government report on how best to provide family > support will be published early this year. > "We need to ensure that the system does not, as a matter of routine, > discriminate against fathers when the issue of custody is being > addressed," he said. Mr Brennan conceded that research showed many > men were barred from parenting by a system they saw as sexist and > anti-father. > Some family support organisations are convinced that it will take > nothing less than a constitutional referendum to ensure fairness for > separated fathers. They also want an end to the in-camera rule, so > that cases can be heard in public. > Mr Brennan is unlikely to give way to either demand. However, he > added that he was anxious that statistics be drawn from cases in the > future in order to assist in making policy decisions. ======================== Webmaster _____________________________________________________________ AKidsRight.Org "A Kid's Right to BOTH parents" http://www.AKidsRight.Org/ ======================================= Newsletter mailing list Newsletter@kids-right.org subscribe/unsubscribe info below: http://kids-right.org/mailman/listinfo/newsletter
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