[AKidsRight.Org] Politics and News of Reform: NY Times & NPR/ Your thoughts & Lighter Side.
From: webmaster@AKidsRight.org
Good People & People of Faith, This message has info on: 1. NY Times Article & NPR Story - complete text, sound and photos. 2. How did you FEEL, losing contact with your kids? 3. Organizing woman for reform. 4. LEAD Conference in Albany - results. 5. Canadian Commentary on efforts - off course? 6. Thoughts on Unity - British Political Candidate 7. Tennessee - Share Parenting wins vote! 8. California - why shared parenting loses & a correction. 9. Why We'll NEVER fix CPS - Rev. Blair 10. Canada - March to Parliament, starting May 17 11. Your FEEDBACK - Mother's Day in Syracuse 12. The Lighter Side - Make me FEEL LIKE A WOMAN! 13. The Lighter Side - Marriage Classes for MEN? This message is primarily devoted to politics. What do we think works and what doesn't? You are going to read some strong opinions. What do you think? If you are serious about reform, we can't encourage you enough to follow the links below and read the NY Times Article, listen to the interview on NPR. Based on what you saw or read about these 'crusaders': 1) What is their Emotion? - How do these people feel? 2) What is their Goal? - What do they want? 3) What is their Method? - What do you think of their approach? 4) As a reformer, what would you have wanted people to think? We will try to have more analysis, with your thoughts, in an upcoming message. One starting opinion we would like to share from a review of the below: "Making this a Father's Rights or Men's Rights issue is a losing proposition. It will not bring serious reform." 1. NY Times Article & NPR Radio - complete text, sound and photos. ----------------------------------------------------------------- Submitted by: Lowell Jaks <info@ancpr.com> NY Times Sunday Magazine - May 8, write Susan Dominus does a multipage article entitled "The Fathers' Crusade", covering activity of F-4-J in the UK and also some US groups: http://www.nytimes.com/2005/05/08/magazine/08FATHERS.html?pagewanted=all All Things Considered, -- May 8, 2005 · There has been growing pressure from divorced fathers around the country to change child custody laws. Activist groups like Fathers 4 Justice, which first gained attention in Great Britain, are demanding equal time with their children. Host Jennifer Ludden talks about the trend with Susan Dominus, the author of a /New York Times Magazine/ article on the subject. http://www.npr.org/templates/story/story.php?storyId=4635249 2. How did you FEEL, losing contact with your kids? --------------------------------------------------- --- Jeffery Shipman <geraldjames@worldnet.att.net> I understand your pain. I've been there. It is, simply put, like being raped. You're raped financially, emotionally, and in terms of your health deteriorating - physically as well. You walk out of the court room perplexed and bewildered, shaking your head in disbelief while thinking "This can't be happening!"..but it is. It is real life. It is cruel. I recall walking out of family court one year ago a broken, broken man, sobbing as I meandered through the courthouse, hardly able to see as the flood of tears blocked a degree of my vision. I was keeled over in pain and, once able to stand straight again, walked out of there into a freezing rain crying as the water drenched my suit. Passersby looked on in curiosity as I stood there not knowing what to do next. "How could this possibly be happening?" I thought. My patriotism, faith in the justice system, respect for attorneys, judges and the like - all gone. My belief in the basic fundamentals of my country based on our Constitution which was fought for- evaporated. Our own courts do not follow their own laws partly because the judges are not held accountable and partly because the existing laws do not nail down specifics of what these family wreckers can, or cannot, do. They have too much discretion and they are too intimately involved in our personal business. That's why EQUAL, shared parenting has to be presumptive unless one parent chooses to have less yet always reserves the right to reacquire that 50% time.... --- Pat S <psdiver41@yahoo.com> ... I had a vacation planned with my children the day after my court date. I remember reacting exactly the same way. I was walking about aimlessly feeling like I might die. It was the last vacation I was to have with my children and it was everything I could do to keep from bawling like a small child in front of them. I remember my oldest asking me "What's wrong daddy?" To which I replied, "Nothing, everything's fine honey". We had the greatest vacation of our lives. Quite possibly the last as well for I don't get any summer vacation time nor holiday breaks. 3. Organizing woman for reform. -------------------------------- Submitted by: Teri Stoddard <teri@sharedparentingworks.org> > A few of us have decided it's time to organize the women in this > movement. We are looking for women who will recruit more women in > every state. We're calling it Women For Shared Parenting. If you > already have a women's group, great, your group can still be a part > of this. At some point I will probably be asking everyone to join > the women's section of F4J-US, but we'll deal with that when the > time comes. We're looking for people who are willing to run > in-person meetings too. If you're interested please let me know. > http://feminist4fathers.blogspot.com/ > http://www.sharedparentingworks.org > Feel free to join my CA group to keep abreast of what is happening: > http://groups.yahoo.com/group/familyrightsnetwork_california/ 4. LEAD Conference in Albany - results. -------------------------------------- --- dan the man <romad63@yahoo.com> People, we have truly turned a corner. As one who has been lobbying for years it is VERY obviously a new day. We can now LEAD (pun intended) the nation. I know its a broken record but we CANNOT let down now. In fact we need to become even more active. Followup thank you notes are important. We need to contact each and everyone of the legislators we can and get them on board. ... anyway that's it for now. Everyone should feel really good about our work yesterday REAL GOOD!! --- "Jeffery Shipman" <geraldjames@worldnet.att.net> [describes a visit to a legislator's office] > It was Zebrowski - and I was paraphrasing. He absolutely felt that > shared parenting anywhere near equal was not good for the > child...He's "been all through it before"..."just like you, but > children need stability and a place that feels like home"...again, > paraphrasing. He felt it was psychologically harmful for children > to go from house to house. I then replied with, "Why is it that > everyone accepts the premise that mom (or dad) can farm off the > baby to daycare to complete strangers, yet allowing that same child > to spend time with his/her natural, blood parent is unacceptable > and somehow traumatic?" I told him that the latest, most > comprehensive and contemporary studies with panels of judges, > psychologists and other child specialists have concluded undeniably > that children fare much better with maximum time with both > parents as possible. He appeared unaware and drew on his personal > case experience.... > Just in case anyone is concerned (due to my somewhat more extremist > position(s) on parenting rights, etc.), I was not doing most of the > talking. And because I was not that familiar with the specifics of > the shared parenting bills I purposely took a more passive posture. > In fact I was extremely careful in how I worded things to ensure I > wasn't perceived as radical in any way particularly since I > understood this meeting was largely reflective of FAFNY and NYCRC. > Of course, a man assuming he should have anywhere near equal time > with his child was perceived as unreasonable and selfish and not > thinking of the child first. -- Jeffery Shipman 5. Canadian Efforts - off course? ---------------------------------- --- "Jeremy Swanson" <swanson@storm.ca> To highlight my belief that the men's movement has become nothing more than an internet forum spleen-venting tool let me describe to you my experience at the reported fathers-men's-parents protest outside the Liberal Party Convention at the Ottawa Congress Centre yesterday. When I first got there I was astounded to see a bus flanking a speakers platform with microphones and a speaker in ardent and deliberate address to approximately 100 people--maybe 150 at most with the media that was present. I really thought that this might be a turning point in the history of the "men's movement" in Canada... Alas it was just not to be. Unfortunately there was no group of angry and determined Fathers. The bus and most of the people there turned out to be a group from somewhere in Ontario to bring a group of pro-hetero-Christian marriage proponents and anti-same-sex marriage people to Ottawa. And sprinkled around in this relatively large group (for Ottawa) were but a few members of the "men's movement". Two of them I recognized from the mostly impotent Ottawa Men's Movement and one other person (a self-confessed activist) from somewhere around Ottawa who I had not met before. There were also three other 'banner bearers' carrying signs that apparently supported fathers and joint parenting rights. That was it. In the Canadian National Capital! Within a spit and a shout of the Prime Minister and the Minister of Justice and a host of other Government Cabinet Ministers who should be--need to be--hearing the angry voices of oppressed Canadian Fathers. We should have been there in our thousands ! THOUSANDS... ... And THIS was the face of the Men's 'Protest' Movement? 6 people? There were more Lesbians for parents representatives there with signs making more of a noise than the 6 people for Canadian Shared Parenting. The Media was there waiting for someone to make a fuss and be interviewed. And the Evangelists did get some coverage. Why were WE not there? ... It is also why I am so intent on carrying this fight on by myself. Its because the Men's Movement is useless and is so busy fighting itself that it will never amount to much. What a disgrace. Does anyone think this is a good thing? What excuses do you think you can bring forward for this disgraceful state of affairs? 6. Thoughts on Unity - British Political Candidate -------------------------------------------------- >> PRESS RELEASE - 22 APRIL 2005 >> VETERAN "EQUAL PARENTING" CHILDREN'S RIGHTS CAMPAIGNER STANDS AS >> ALLIANCE FOR CHANGE CANDIDATE IN LEEDS CENTRAL >> I am proud to announce that Julian Fitzgerald, the political >> activist already much-publicized (inter alia) as a veteran >> campaigner for the rights of children to enjoy equal parenting, is >> the Alliance For Change's candidate for Leeds Central constituency >> in the British General Election on 5 May 2005. Julian is adamant >> that our children should no longer become the victims of the "adult >> power games" of their parents' lawyers. He considers that the >> present legislative framework of family law is deeply flawed, >> leaving children exposed to the risk of this, and millions of them >> victims of those power games. >> Julian has a daughter of his own, with whom he has not been allowed >> to have contact for the past eight years. >> Julian observes that every child has had both a mother and a >> biological father, and should be entitled to maintain a >> relationship with both, in all but the most exceptional of >> circumstances. He wants officials and judges to be held >> accountable for breaches of family rights and intrusions into >> family life. At http://www.amnesty-4-families.org/, he draws an >> apt parallel between his campaign for children's rights to equal >> parenting, and the campaigning work of Amnesty International in >> connection with other human rights violations. [ Julian's personal thoughts on reform. - Ed.] > It is important to appreciate that the Balkanisation practiced by > many branded family rights groups reflects the alienation traditions > which those who have their children removed fall into. I want to see > more bottom-up control, more ability to focus on taking back control > of our lives through our acts of mutual support based on common > dilemmas, not group affiliation. > I would like to see listserves of record, like euro-dads&mums, and > networking tools, like www.amnesty-4-families.org , break this > divide and rule habit, to allow this to develop into a family rights > movement - that is my objective after a number of years learning the > characteristics of this milieu. > I would welcome your help in doing this - the election campaign has > helped raise the profile and credibility of this agenda. Yes, there are a lot of little groups, but maybe that is part of the process. Nothing has captured the imagination of people yet, but maybe the time is coming. Obviously, you are also aware that we really don't share common goals. Earlier this morning I read your posting to one of the groups about "shared parenting" and the California Bill. You are quite right. We need to recognize and 'ask for' the Civil Right to EQUAL parenting. 7. Tennessee - Share Parenting wins vote! ----------------------------------------- Submitted by: "kimmh12" <kimmh@hotmail.com> http://www.chattanoogan.com/articles/article_65642.asp Shared Parenting PASSES TN Last night this bill was voted on and passed our State Senate by a margin of 23 to seven -- posted April 19, 2005 Our children deserve the love, affection, and support of both of their parents as well as maximum parental involvement in their lives. On the surface one would think this is a simple statement...intuitive to most people. However, in a divorce this is not generally the case. Why? There are several reasons, but one of significance is the law. Quite simply, the law allows a child to go from a home with two parents one day to one with a parent and a visitor the next. One of those parents is going to become the primary residential parent and the other a visitor for four to six days each month, a couple of weeks in the summer, and alternating holidays...either Auntie Mommy or Uncle Daddy. During this session of our legislature there has been a bill advanced that would provide a rebuttable presumption of equally shared parenting, HB1729/SB1782. It was also presented during the last legislative session but was killed in committee. Last night this bill was voted on and passed our State Senate by a margin of 23 to seven. Our own David Fowler voted for this initiative as well as sponsoring the bill, and is to be commended for doing so. Ordinarily, passage of this initiative wouldn't be significant. What I find interesting is that over on the other side of the Statehouse this same bill has 60 primary co-sponsors and has yet to come out of the subcommittee to which was assigned. Why? Because there is about an even split of those who oppose it and those who advocate for it... In providing a rebuttable presumption of equally shared parenting, HB1729/SB1782 would ensure that both parents begin their journey down the path of living separate and apart from one another on equal ground...neither one would have any advantage over the other where their children are concerned, and the children would be one more step closer to being eliminated as the trophies of the divorce wars. Conflict would be reduced... Opponents of this initiative would have us believe: 1. "This legislation assumes that one size fits all." - There is nothing in the bill stating this and those who advance this supposition obviously have not read the bill. It allows for the parents as well as any judge hearing the case to determine what is going to be best for the specific situation at hand. It does, however, provide a standard and a basis from which to work that would require proof to overcome. What's wrong with that? When proof is required wouldn't there also be an attendant decrease in the conflict of he said she said? 2. "Many mediators will be pushing equal custody if there is a presumption in the law. In order to contest the equal division of the children, a parent will have to go to court and prove that an equal division is not in the best interest of the child. The lower- earning parent, who is usually the mother, often will not have the money to go to court and the child will suffer as a result." - There is nothing in the bill stating this. Again, someone obviously has not read the bill. 3. "Most children's mental health experts do not believe children should be constantly moved back and forth between living arrangements. Children need stability and continuity." - Again someone has not read the bill because nothing in it advances this at all. 4. "In cases of domestic violence, the abused parent may be afraid to go to court to contest the equal division of the children." and "Many victims of domestic abuse will be afraid to litigate and will have to accept equal custody even if it is not in the child's best interest." - Someone here is advancing an argument that is stated no where in the bill. Domestic violence is, however, specifically addressed elsewhere in our State law...basically, an abuser loses. Dividing children? I've never read anything about dividing children in any part of our State law. 5. "Equal custody legislation will more than likely result in the children being treated like property and divided down the middle, without regard for the needs of the children." - What are our children now but trophies of the divorce wars? The bill also specifically states that the best interests of the children will be first and foremost in any residential determination. Additionally, this initiative is a "shared parenting" as opposed to "equal custody"...personally, this writer also believes that we take criminals into "custody" and "visit" them while they're in jail. 6. "If joint 50/50 custody is granted to a mother who lives in Donelson and to a father who lives in Union City, the child/children will be required to attend school in both jurisdictions." - Again, this initiative makes absolutely no statement about there being 50/50 shared "custody." The bill specifically states that the best interests of the child will be the prime governing factor and it is ludicrous to believe the argument advanced would be anything of the sort. 7. "Child support will definitely be lowered (which we suspect is the driving reason for this legislation)." - Where in the bill is there any statement concerning child support? 8. "The bill removes the court's discretion to decide each case individually based on the child's best interest." - This bill, if one were to read it literally and without attempting to inject personal bias, it specifically states that every case will be addressed individually. What it does provide is a standard by which each situation may be measured to ensure that the best interests of all of our children will be attended to.... 8. California - Why shared parenting loses & a correction ---------------------------------------------------- --- William L Spence <wls@redshift.com> >> Why does this happen? Despite 2,000 letters, apparently citizens >> are content to let the State dissect and manage the family, and >> apparently for all the wrong reasons. > I hope California activists ask themselves this question and take a hard > look at what they are doing wrong: it didn't take much for opponents of > joint custody to snuff out AB 1307. This was truly a thoroughly > botched campaign; it didn't even register as a serious challenge to the > status quo and has to a degree tainted the movement with an image of > clownishness. Merely citing the strength and unscrupulousness of the > opposition does not explain the weakness of equal parenting advocacy, > and is no excuse for what happened. > The 2,000 letters were mostly standard, copies of a template, web-form > submissions; independent letters and contacts with legislators---which > stand to make a greater impact---were actually discouraged, in some > cases through borderline strong-arm tactics. > You don't engender the necessary support for this kind of change in one > week---which literally was the time frame for the lobbying of the first > committee that had sink or swim power over the bill. Fathers were > never invited, except for the hearing itself. If they are, essentially > to a man, too surly to face their legislators, perhaps they really are > mostly wife-beaters? > The claim was that this was predominately a campaign of family law > professionals: attorneys and therapists. I know or know-of many of the > official supporters of AB 1307 and they are fine individuals, but there > was a total and noticeable lack of blue-ribbon testimony from recognized > leaders in the child custody field, such as those who participated in > the amicus briefing in the LAMUSGA move-away case in which the > California Supreme Court handed down a significant pro-coparenting > decision. > There was no media notice of the bill, presumably an intended aspect of > the `secret plan', and the command-style, top-down, exclusive, yes-man > only may participate, direction of the campaign. There probably should > have been a legislative Informational Hearing, featuring among others, > one or two of the missing experts already mentioned. > Perhaps most importantly, no matter how transparently righteous the > cause, you cannot expect to win in the political arena by suddenly > rushing in with a far-reaching proposal when you normally don't even > show up. Thanks for a nice message and a good analysis. 2000 form letters doesn't show a lot of effort. Not sure about the 'secret plan' nature of the whole thing or who was driving it? Were you directly involved with that? I could use this on our list, but I need someone who was directly involved to say something (and put their name by it). -- NO RESPONSE RECV'D ---- CORRECTION TO OUR PREVIOUS LIST MESSAGE We earlier ran a message on what Commentator and activist Glenn Sacks had to say: ... Our defeat represents the triumph of special interests over children and families. The California Shared Parenting Alliance won the endorsements of dozens of mental health professionals and family law experts, as well as veterans and retirees groups. These were backed by popular support vastly beyond anything the special interest groups opposing us could muster. CSPA has plans to continue this fight, and Dymally says he will be bringing the bill back next year. ---- Glenn Sacks did NOT write the following paragraph which we included in our earlier email message, our error! Why does this happen? Despite 2,000 letters, apparently citizens are content to let the State dissect and manage the family, and apparently for all the wrong reasons. 9. Why We'll NEVER fix CPS - Rev. Blair ----------------------------------------- --- Rev. Randy Blair <blairs@ameritech.net> I get about 600 emails a day. Not all of them deal with CPS issues, mind you, but many of them do. The prevalent trend I see is a lot of ridiculous infighting and arguing. And, taking a step back and looking at it all from a distance, I realize that all of the evils (Judicial Tyranny, CPS, Custody, etc.) combined could not come up with a better way to avoid being changed by the people. Know why? Because nobody can agree on what the problems are, what the solutions are, and who is going to take up the sabre and rattle it. Everybody wants to be captain and steer the ship, but nobody wants to swab the deck. But everybody's willing to be an armchair quarterback, bloviating and backstabbing one another. (For those of you reading, who don't stoop to that level, bear with me.) Fatuous and jejune arguments abound about how "qualified" or "trained" people are to do the simplest things. I have NEVER met anyone unqualified to educate others on how broken "the system" is. I have NEVER met anyone unqualified to sit in court and observe a parent getting rolled over a barrel. I have NEVER met anyone unqualified to hold a picket sign (in fact, I have a friend WHO IS BLIND who can manage to hold a sign). So, in this fractious movement, we could learn a lot from our ancestors in the Civil Rights battles of yesteryear. Abolitionists were focused on winning the war to end slavery, why shouldn't we be just as focused (and united) to end the Family Law issues that we are all fighting against? The other thing that ensures disaster is single individuals who think they can change the whole country. Every time I see a new National "organization" pop up, I get a mild chuckle. If you can't get your next door neighbor to go court watching, what makes you think that you are going to be able to organize a state 1,000 miles away? Granted, such unbridled enthusiasm is a great thing, but it needs to be channeled in your own back yard, first. For instance, I don't know squat about California (for example), or Idaho, or Kansas, or Florida, or the other 46 states except Michigan. Just like I don't know anything about brain surgery. Yeah, some things are common between all the states, but a lot of it isn't. Point being, you won't see me "advising" someone about something they should do in anywhere other than Michigan, and even then, all I do is put the book in their hand. I can't (and neither can you) make them read it, much less apply it. Ok, if you've read this far, you are probably asking yourself, "What's the point, Rev.?" Thanks for bearing with me. The point is, pick someone you do NOT like working with, bury the hatchet, and work TOGETHER to make change. The Internet is a powerful tool to enact change, use it wisely. Thanks for listening, and may God bless you in all that you do. Yours in Christ, Rev. Randy Blair President - Michigan victims of CPS PAC - http://www.michiganvictimsofcps.org/ 10. Canada - March to Parliament, May 18 - June 4 ------------------------------------------------- Submitted by: "Wayne Cook" <achievemax@rogers.com> Thank you for your support, and we hope to see the Ottawa group, walking on Saturday morning from Nepean (Woodroffe Avenue)to Parliament Hill. The focus has shifted away from an event on Parliament Hill to a "March to Parliament" from Queen's Park in Toronto. The "March starts on Tuesday, May 17th (the actual route is posted on the everyman.org website). The "March" is viewed as "sexy" by the media, whereas the event on Parliament Hill, would have been lost to election coverage. In Ottawa, on Saturday June 4th, we will be northbound on Woodroffe Avenue from Hwy 16, then eastbound on Baseline, noth on Colonel By to Parliament Hill. The only event on Parliament Hill is to deliver several stories to the government. We would hope that Senator Cools will accept the stories. Jim Loxton, from W.O.L.V.E.S. has provided several stories, including the suicide note, left by a dad in Sarnia. We need to use the probable federal election to our advantage, let's get children's issues and shared parenting, on the national agenda. Thanks again for all your support, ---- Barry Lillie will be walking with us, on May 17th from City TV to Queen's Park (Media Event) and onto Markham, Ontario. On May 18th, I will walk alone! On May 19 & 20th, Pat has organized the crew in Durham Region. On May 20th, we will also be meeting with the C.A.W. folks, in Oshawa. >From Oshawa to Kingston, we are still weak! Chris and I have the Kingston area covered. We are trying to get John from New York State for the Media Event at the US/Canada bridges! The same is true from Kingston to just south of Ottawa! Victor and the Ottawa crew, have got things covered from Manotik to Nepean, to Ottawa and onto Parliament Hill for June 4th! Barry, Jim Loxton and I have organized 3-4 Media Events daily. We are strong on the media side, but weak in other areas. Keep in mind that a federal election will likely be called May 18th, right at the start of our "Fathers March to Ottawa". This will help get the issue of Kids & Dad, on the national agenda! We still need help! Logistics remains an issue (housing, food etc.). Donations are most welcome! Volunteers to walk a mile are needed, too! In Solidarity, Wayne Cook 11. Your FEEDBACK - Mother's Day in Syracuse ------------------------------------------- More details at http://www.AKidsRight.Org/actionc_syr John Murtari will be arraigned Wed (May 18) in Federal Court for the Northern District of New York (Syracuse) at 9:30AM. He will be charged with 'destruction of government property' for attempting to write "Dom I Love You - Senator Clinton, Please help us!" with chalk on the side of a Federal Building. Your attendance is welcome. --- Lew Rockwell <lew@lewrockwell.com> > Celebrating Mothers Day at the Federal Plaza? That is horrible. > The federal government is the enemy of the family. And you join > them. Thanks for the message, but we won't be there with cakes and party favors. We are there to petition our government representative for reform. When we don't try we don't give the system a chance to work. --- bright one <linda8532@yahoo.com> > doesn't that tell you something? You have zero people right now. > Can't you see you are alone fighting this battle and do you ever > wonder why? Probably because you are way too radical. --- Jan <TIDDYBEAR@aol.com> >> Our goal was to help convince Senator Clinton of the need to meet >> with parents regarding reform. > Good luck! I don't believe you can convince her that there needs to > be reform. She think it takes a village to raise a child. --- Steve <steve66oh@yahoo.com> > ... I have a piece of sidewalk chalk I want to send you. This piece > is special, because it was bought with Federal Govenment money, so > that children visiting the Visitor's Center at the NASA Glenn > Research Center can draw pictures of stars, planets, galaxies > etc.. on the sidewalk at the Center. In other words, some branches > of the Federal Government actually encourage chalk writing and pay > money to provide materials to facilitate it. No effort is made at > NASA to regulate the content of chalk writing either - apparently > any message one would write there is equally valued, and none are > derided as "defacing" or "damaging" that Federal facility. --- OomYaaqub@aol.com >> Well, you may have a point. But what may be scarier than that is >> the Ms. Clinton, a very good politician, doesn't feel that Family >> Law reform is even a minor blip on the political radar? In our past >> history Civil Right's action have eventually had broad political >> support -- we have a way to go! > Hilary cares about Hilary. She relies very much on the support of > her radical feminist base, and she will never care about fathers no > matter what she promises. Read her book "It Takes a Village" and you > will realize that in the final analysis she doesn't care about > either fathers or mothers. Just my humble opinion, but you would > probably be better off concentrating on more conservative > politicians. You make a good point and she may 'never care about fathers' as a distinct class. But I do have to believe she 'cares about parents' and needs to make that a public position. We just need to start identifying ourselves as parents -- not as just moms or dads. I'm not looking for a 'right' unique to being a man. I'm looking for an equal right for being a 'parent'. 12. Lighter Side - Make me FEEL LIKE A WOMAN! -------------------------------------------- If you are NEW to the list, we'd like to introduce our "Lighter Side", where we hope to keep a sense of humor about men and women, mothers and fathers, and the 'stereotypes' we all love. PLEASE, don't express shock or complain if you can't take a joke. DON'T READ ANY FARTHER. --- "Denise McCorkle" <DMcCorkle@dallasisd.org> On a transatlantic flight, a plane passes through a severe storm. The turbulence is awful, and things go from bad to worse when one wing is struck by lightning. One woman in particular loses it. Screaming, she stands up in the front of the plane. "I'm too young to die," she wails. Then she yells, "Well, if I'm going to die, I want my last minutes on earth to be memorable! Is there anyone on this plane who can make me FEEL LIKE A WOMAN?" For a moment there is silence. Everyone has forgotten their own peril. They all stare. Eyes riveted at the desperate woman in the front of the plane. Then a man from Pittsburgh stands up in the rear of the plane. He is handsome, tall, well built, with dark brown hair and hazel eyes. He starts to walk slowly up the aisle, unbuttoning his shirt. One button at a time. No one moves. He removes his shirt. Muscles ripple across his chest. She gasps... He whispers... "Iron this -- and then get me a beer." 13. Lighter Side - Marriage Classes for MEN? ------------------------------------------- --- SUSAN BENNETT <slbennett1025@yahoo.com> For those of you who are married, were married, or are contemplating marriage - under the assumption that men need (or ought) to be trained for marriage. Southwest Tech is offering a new 2 year associates degree.... TWO YEAR DEGREE: Becoming a Real Man. That's right, in just six mini-Masters, you, too, can be a real man as well as earn an associates degree in MA (Male Arts). Please take a moment to look over the program outline. FIRST YEAR: Autumn Schedule: MEN 101 Combating Stupidity MEN 102 You, Too, Can Do Housework MEN 103 PMS-Learn When to Keep Your Mouth Shut MEN 104 We Do Not Want Sleazy Under things for Christmas Winter Schedule: MEN 110 Wonderful Laundry Techniques MEN 111 Understanding the Female Response to getting in at 2AM MEN 112 Parenting: It Doesn't End with Conception EAT 100 Get a Life, Learn to Cook EAT 101 Get a Life, Learn to Cook II ECON 001A What's Hers is Hers Spring Schedule: MEN 120 How NOT to Act Like a Buttface When You're Wrong MEN 121 Understanding Your Incompetence MEN 122 YOU, the Weaker Sex MEN 123 Reasons to Give Flowers ECON 001C What Was Yours is Hers SECOND YEAR: Autumn Schedule: SEX 101 You CAN Fall Asleep without It SEX 102 Morning Dilemma: If It's Awake, Take a Shower SEX 103 How to Stay Awake After Sex MEN 201 How to Put the Toilet Seat Down Elective (See Electives Below) Winter Schedule: MEN 210 The Remote Control: Overcoming Your Dependency MEN 211 How to Not Act Younger than Your Children MEN 212 You, Too, Can Be a Designated Driver MEN 213 Honest, You Don't Look Like Tom Cruise or Billy Dee MEN 230A Her Birthdays and Anniversaries Are Important Spring Schedule: MEN 220 Omitting %&*! from Your Vocabulary (Pass/Fail Only) MEN 221 Fluffing the Blanket After Farting Is Not Necessary MEN 222 Real Men Ask for Directions MEN 223 Thirty Minutes of Begging is NOT Considered Foreplay MEN 230B Her Birthdays and Anniversaries Are Important 2 Course Electives: EAT 201 Cooking with Tofu EAT 202 Utilization of Eating Utensils EAT 203 Burping and Belching Discreetly MEN 231 Mothers-in-law MEN 232 Appear to Be Listening MEN 233 Just Say "Yes, Dear" ECON 001C Cheaper to Keep Her Just a thought for all the women out there... MENtal illness, MENstrual cramps, MENtal breakdown, MENopause, GUYnocologist (poetic spelling). Ever notice how all of women's problems start with men? Send this to all of the women you know (and men with a sense of humor) and brighten their day!!!...and when we have real trouble, it's a HISterectomy Webmaster ___________________________________________________________________ Member webmaster@AKidsRight.Org (315)635-1968 http://www.AKidsRight.org/ ======================================= Newsletter mailing list Newsletter@kids-right.org subscribe/unsubscribe info below: http://kids-right.org/mailman/listinfo/newsletter
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