[AKidsRight.Org] NonViolent Action: License suspended, admits to driving over 100 times!
From: John Murtari (jmurtari@AKidsRight.org)
Good People & People of Faith, Can you imagine? You have a suspended license because of child support. You get your first ticket in your hometown and they are trying to go easy on you. Of course, you are still driving your car but instead of just paying a fine you demand a trial and write the Judge/DA and admit to driving (since the original arrest) on over 100 occasions! Imagine that! This has been a decision which wasn't easy. When my mother fell ill I curbed my activities at the Syracuse Federal Building so there would be no risk of jail for me (which would put her in a nursing home without my care). The traffic ticket for unlicensed operation came in July and was due to a Child Support suspension. It was in my hometown and the Judge/Prosecutor were nice about it and just wanted me to plead guilty and get it over. I was almost ready to do that, but just couldn't say 'guilty' to a crime -- not to mention, I was still driving just about every day. I felt the indignity of being a criminal in my hometown and felt the matter should be resolved. On Nov 19, I wrote the Judge/DA and reported all the driving offenses and asked that they be dismissed and the law found unconstitutional. NonViolent Action? http://www.AKidsRight.Org/civil.htm I think so. NonViolent action is much more than just 'niceness' and 'non-cooperation' -- it is action. I'm willing (barely!) to step forward and say, if this is the law then I have been breaking it - prosecute me for I feel it is unjust. It has required a lot of Faith to do this and I could very easily end up in jail. A disaster to my entire family. The trial is scheduled for December 12th, to see my filings and more background go to: http://www.AKidsRight.Org/support I welcome your FEEDBACK on this and welcome any help/publicity you can bring. I would ask you read my entire letter/motion to the Court first at the link above. I have included an excerpt below: ----- 34 Franklin St. Lyons, NY 14489 November 19, 2005 Judge Nicholas Forgione Village Justice 79 William St. Lyons, NY 14489 Dear Judge Forgione: Attached you will find a motion in regards to my upcoming trial on Dec 12th for aggravated unlicensed operation of a motor vehicle. My license was suspended by DMV for not obeying a child support order. The amount overdue is about $55,000, making me one of the biggest (if not the biggest) deadbeat in Lyons and probably Wayne County. Some people might read this and say, "Let's nail this dirtball!" In my affidavit I admit to continuing to drive in the past several month on at least 100 different occasions. I hope to make it easy for the DA to add those additional charges and I'll be happy to testify to each occasion at my trial. A long jail sentence might please some. I have personally struggled with how to handle this. It has been a test of my Faith. A week ago I was almost ready to call Mr. Wunder and accept his plea offer of just "unlicensed operation'. But I could not bring myself to say "guilty' to a crime and then go back to trying to "hide' and hopefully not get stopped again by police. My only honest and Faithful recourse is to challenge the validity of the law and be ready to accept whatever the consequences may be. I believe laws are invalidated when people step back and say, "This shouldn't be happening. There is something wrong in what we are about to do." I do not feel that I am "above the law.' I hope to show I'm a very dedicated parent and son; a person that tried to place the needs of his family above his own; someone who has worked hard his entire life, serving both his country and local community. A moral individual who could not obey a Judge's order and abandon what he thought was best for his family; a person who has spent, on limited income, over $55,000 in direct support of his son. A higher percentage based on actual income than any support 'guideline' would require. The motion is lengthy and I'll briefly summarize here: ADDITIONAL CHARGES -- Since I was stopped and issued the ticket on July 12th for driving with a suspended license I have continued to drive in Lyons on numerous occasions and will continue to do so. If these are considered 'crimes' they should be charged and I am happy to take the witness stand to testify regarding my conduct. DRIVING IS NOT A 'PRIVILEGE' -- I have an excellent state driving record with NO tickets in over 10 years. Lyons is a rural community and I cannot fulfill basic family obligations without a vehicle. The ability to drive should be based on training and safety, not as an easy form of punishment for other civil matters. Unnecessary restriction of my freedom of movement is a violation of individual rights. DIMINISHED DUE PROCESS -- The backdoor connection between Child Support payments and driving is a violation of individual rights to due process. Family Court Support proceedings operate with reduced levels of proof and evidence. I now face numerous criminal charges with no real means of defense. If my license had been suspended due to DWI, speeding, or other traffic violations I would have been protected during those proceedings by strict rules of evidence and a strong burden of proof. In summary, I am not a dirtball, or a deadbeat, or a criminal. Some may think I should plead guilty as a matter of 'simple fact.' I ask one question. Imagine a poor black woman in the 50's, in Alabama, who does not move to the back of the bus for a white person. She clearly violates the law. Do you expect her to plead guilty to a crime? While no one should feel above the law. The law should also respect our rights and the imperative of individual conscience and personal responsibility -- especially in issues of family. Using motor vehicle law to punish someone for a perceived shortcoming in family matters is improper. I too join people who detest 'deadbeat' parents -- people who give no thought to their children and care about only themselves. These people should be thrown in jail for failure to care for their children. They should also be given the protections of criminal procedure, the protection of a jury, and an opportunity to explain what happened. Most importantly, their Civil Right to be an equal & fit parent in the lives of their children should also be recognized. Respectfully yours, John Murtari CC: Mr. Richard Wunder, District Attorney, 54 Broad St. Lyons, NY 14489 CC: Mr. Richard Healey, Wayne County DA, Hall of Justice, Suite 202, Lyons, NY 14489 -- John Murtari ____________________________________________________________________ Coordinator AKidsRight.Org jmurtari@AKidsRight.Org "A Kid's Right to BOTH parents" Toll Free (877) 635-1968(x-211) http://www.AKidsRight.Org/ ======================================= Newsletter mailing list Newsletter@kids-right.org subscribe/unsubscribe info below: http://kids-right.org/mailman/listinfo/newsletter
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