[AKidsRight.Org] LEAD in Albany(May 9th) / Reform: Strategy & Plans - what's yours?

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From: John Murtari (jmurtari@akidsright.org)
Date: Mon May 08 2006 - 13:35:00 EDT

Good People & People of Faith,

A few topics in this message:
1. LEAD Conference, May 9th, Albany - make time to be there!
2. Reform: Strategy & Plans - what's yours?
3. You're a Parent Notification Act - your thoughts?

"Effort & Courage are not enough without Purpose & Direction."   
                                 -- President John F. Kennedy

1 LEAD Conference, May 9th, Albany - make time to be there!
Event Description: Legislative Education and Awareness Day 

When: Tuesday May 9, 2006,  starts at 9 AM, Press
Conference at 11:30 AM, Panel Discussion at 12:30 PM

Where: Legislative Office Building (Hearing Room 'C')
Albany NY 12248

For more info://www.fafny.org/

2 Reform: Strategy & Plans - what's yours?
Email is nice, but no substitute for meeting someone in person and
talking face-to-face.  I plan on being at the LEAD Conference in
Albany, tomorrow (details above).  A nice opportunity to meet and talk
and I look forward to seeing some of you there.

After the 'defeat' of A330 -- what do you think?  What's next?  A
little more of the same next year or something new?  I'd enjoy sitting
down and hearing what you have to say.  Let me get my 'half' of the
conversation out of the way now, with a few thoughts and observations.

* Lesson from the past - Many of us remember Martin Luther King 
and the first efforts to break segregation in the South.  The famous
boycott of the Birmingham Bus system which had forced blacks to sit in
the back. Actually, they had to sit behind a certain row.  Even if the
back of the bus was full and there weren't any whites -- they still
had to stand. They could not sit in the white seats.

What many of us don't know is that the first goal of the group when
negotiating with the white City Fathers was this: Just allow the
blacks to fill in from the back of the bus and the whites to fill in
from the front, so that all seats get filled. To ask for equal seating
would have been "too radical", they needed to "take it slow"
Thank goodness the City Father's rejected even that humble request --
and the rest is history. Similarities to the defeat of A330?

* A330 went down, who is at fault?

Check the following cartoon from an Albany paper:


Shall we ridicule the committee members who didn't vote OUR way?


How about we keep in mind what Mahatma Gandhi said:

     Appealing to the common sense and morality of his adversary was
     key. "It has always been a mystery to me how men can feel
     themselves honored by humiliation of their fellow human beings." 

     NonViolent Action assumes there is a constant dialog between
     the opponents with a view to ultimate reconciliation. Insults,
     threats, and propaganda only serve to obstruct the goal.

Anyone look in a mirror lately to find the 'usual suspects?'  I don't
know about you, but I missed the big public demonstration outside the
Capitol building with thousands of parents there?  I didn't see any
local News coverage on this big issue?

Isn't there a Triad of Reform?  Court Action, Legislative Action, and
Public Action?  Where is Public Action in our planning?  Where are the
parades, demonstrations, and NonViolent Actions?  Can we expect to
pass 'real' reform without it?

* A330 - Bipolar disorder?

I really got lost in the hype leading up to the committee vote .  In
some list messages it was acknowledge as a very weak bill, a small
first step.  In some other stuff it was proclaimed as defining our
Civil Rights as Parents!  Most importantly, when it was defended
against opponents it was called a small change that certainly wouldn't
interfere with the ability of the Judge to decide what was best for
your child.

The text is here: http://assembly.state.ny.us/leg/?bn=A00330&sh=t

I vote for very weak.  I don't know who "we" are, but this bill would
have made no difference for "me".

* Who are WE?

If you were going in to talk to a legislator and they said, "Who do
you represent?"  What would be your answer: Father's Rights,
NonCustodial Mothers, Victims of Child Abuse Laws?  Shouldn't we be
parents?  What should the names of our groups reflect?

* What do WE want?

We like to use big words.  Do we really see this as a Civil Rights
issue?  Don't we usually consider Civil Rights the same in EVERY
State?  What are we doing at the State Legislature?  Should we be at
the US Congress?

     "Nothing will really happen for the better until the law says you
     keep parental rights equal with the other parent, and superior to
     the government, unless you are proven guilty of a crime with the
     full criminal rules of evidence and all due process." 
     Eric - etarking@ooadvocate.com

We may have a big lesson to learn from the Women's movement and how
they won the right to vote.  We may need to follow the same route
and hopefully more quickly.


To summarize: They began in the early 1800s and felt their right to
vote was already defined in the Constitution.  They were stymied by
Court decisions and legislative 'compromises'.  Early victories
occurred at the State level, in local elections. Group's split due to
dissension.  The focus returned to the Federal Level, public
demonstrations, arrests.  Finally --

    AMENDMENT XIX of the United States Constitution Passed by Congress
    June 4, 1919. Ratified August 18, 1920.

    The right of citizens of the United States to vote shall not be
    denied or abridged by the United States or by any State on account
    of sex.Congress shall have power to enforce this article by
    appropriate legislation.

* Where do we focus our effort?

Senator Hillary Rodham Clinton is up for reelection to US Senator
from New York this year.  We all know she will be a Presidential
contender in 2008.

Imagine the impact of organized demonstrations outside of her offices
in Albany, Buffalo, Syracuse, Rochester, and New York City?  Getting
her to meet with parents....

3. You're a Parent Notification Act - revision 'B'.
We've had the Family Rights Act at the site for review,

As many of you who have contacted legislators know -- it is a big
step.  It would fully recognize and protect the basic Civil/Human
Right we all have to be parents to our own children, and for our
children to have BOTH parents in their lives.

Right now, even many parents don't think in terms of Civil Rights --
what can we expect of legislators?  Perhaps the introduction of a Law
(even at the State level), that directly addresses the concept of
equal notification in parenting might help?

Obviously, in almost all cases a mother knows that she is going to be
parent and this Act hopes to bring equality to fathers; however, as
science advances we may soon find the ability to take an 'egg' and bring
it to term -- and perhaps ignore the biological mother. 

But remember, our group goal is to ensure we are all considered Fit &
Equal parents.  The discussion of this Act would help not only
Fathers, but Mothers, and also those who have suffered from false
child abuse allegations.  Why?  It will get people thinking about
rights and how those rights should be recognized and protected.

This one is not 'easy'.  It does force you to think about rights.
Your further FEEDBACK is of course welcome.  We hope to bring this Act
into local Legislators within the month. 

None of the Act is 'proprietary' -- anyone is welcome to modify it
and use it within your state.  Versions of the Act and background
are also at the web site:


                "You're a Parent Notification Act"


   This Act is founded on the natural law that any child has TWO
   parents and that preparation for being a successful parent
   certainly begins by birth.  Society should ensure the same rights &
   responsibilities to both parents.  No one should be a parent
   without their knowledge.

   While perhaps considered 'obvious' for the mother of a child; as
   bio-technology progresses, the Act would also insure notification
   if an 'egg' was brought to term by artificial means.


   It shall be the duty of a parent to notify the other parent upon
   the birth of a child.  This notification should occur with 30 days
   of the event.  The State will maintain a registry of notifications
   for both parents.  If the birth event is witnessed by medical or
   other health professionals they will assist in making sure
   notification is completed.

   The scope of this Act is limited to just notification. Once
   notified the parent has recourse to existing law.


   Notification need not occur in the designated period if criminal
   charges for a rape are pending against the other parent.

Definition of Notification:

   Notification is documented by a witnessed & signed document from
   the parent.  It will include the date of birth and the name and
   address of the other parent.

   The cost of notification will be shared equally between the


   If a parent can not be located [what?]

      * Legal postings will be made in regional newspapers.
   If one parent refused to identify the other parent [what?]

      * Criminal proceeding beings, police investigation to
        identify/find the other parent.

   If one parent refuses to acknowledge notification [what?]

      * Use of third party process server.  Cost to be shared
        by both parents.

      * A Parent can require DNA Analysis.

                                       John Murtari
Coordinator                            AKidsRight.Org
jmurtari@AKidsRight.Org                "A Kid's Right to BOTH parents"
Toll Free (877) 635-1968(x-211)        http://www.AKidsRight.Org/
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