Good People & People of Faith,
We had originally hoped to have our first meeting with Senator Charle's Schumer (D-NY) staff later this week. Spoke with the local office in Syracuse, they said we were welcome to "stop by" at any time the office was open. I told them we wanted to make sure an aid was available to speak us and would prefer to schedule an appointment since some of our members would be driving from out of town. That was OK with them, they wanted a letter in advance laying out our concerns.
Here is a DRAFT of the letter: http://www.AKidsRight.Org/actiond_syr/Schumer1.pdf -- your thoughts on the content are welcome. Hopefully it will provide a good example for others to follow as our effort spreads.
We've asked parents to send in letters and photos for us to bring to the meetings, here is an excellent one from Karyn Maronde, http://www.AKidsRight.Org/actiond_syr/Maronde1.pdf
A meeting is still a few weeks away and we'll send out more details as we move forward.
Alternate Letters
What you see below is an excerpt from another letter written to the Senator. It tells parts of stories we have all experienced,all the wrong that was done -- but what do we want the Senator to do?
...used existing and corrupt Family Laws to falsely accuse me of abuse. There never was abuse and there never was proof of any abuse either.
... used her corrupt actions and the already evil and corrupt court system in New York ... to steal my children, my home(house) and my personal marital property. I fought back in the courts, later received a death threat from a ... police officer. Corrupt judges ... granted the divorce and I was later arrested for not paying all the child support ordered, which was 120% of my pay, later my unemployment. The charges against me were dismissed after 7 judges and 5 courts refused to hear the case. Many people knew I was innocent of the claims, holding a very good record in the community...
I tried to continue fighting pro-se in court after lawyers exhausted my finances and resolved nothing.I attempted to show proof through a Private Investigator Report that my children had been approached for obscenity purposes by documented pedophile .... I was denied to show any documents, DVD's, or other
evidence during the custody trial for my children. Iwas given only 12 hours to gather my trial witnesses and Judge ... didn't allow me to subpoena any witnesses either.
While waiting for the court’s decision, I received a call from an officer ... and that cop threatened my life. I have a website exposing the corrupt individuals who have harmed my family .. My family has informed me that the State of New York seized all of my property, though I have none; it was all given to ...
Will the Senator Listen?
From Robert: Will they listen ? yes, and do nothing to help the damage that has happened to your family......child protection corruption is way to evil efficient to ever be stopped. To many perceived do-gooders are the smokescreen to block any stopping of the blood money.police and schools are the #1 and #2 reporters of alleged potential abuse cases.Hospitals are #3......this corruption is unstoppable.....when your family has been damaged by false charges you become the voice that no one likes to hear.......too much blood money via fed matching funds.....too much blood money for neg results....too much coverups to ever get too the core of the corruption........too many families already damaged to ever even start to try to correct the carnage....
Response: Thanks for writing in. You make some good points, the 'system' is certainly stacked to interfere. Parent's have NO rights. But I think the better question is not "Will they listen", but "What are we willing to do?" If you haven't had a chance, please take a few minutes to read a little history we have at the site, especially on the movements by Gandhi and King, http://www.AKidsRight.Org/civil.htm