If your group is thinking about advertising for reform please pay attention to our lessons learned. It could keep you from re-inventing a very expensive wheel!
- Print Ad, Local City free distribution paper, "Syracuse New Times". Younger demographic. Distribution of 32,000 copies each week within the city. We purchased a 1/6 page display ad (artwork above). The actual ad had a targeted link unique to the ad.
In a two week run, we saw three hits on the website! Cost $500.00
- RADIO Ad, Syracuse WSYR 570 AM talk radio. Older demographic. 30 second spot, listen here. They did a very nice job in production. Over two weeks we ran about 6 spots/day (during drive time).
Got about four hits on the unique URL in the ad (people could have gone to just the main site). Cost: $2,000!
- Facebook, boosted a posting that had the artwork, https://www.facebook.com/aKidsRight/ -- this was the most targeted ad. Just shown to parents, 18-40, living within 50 miles of Syracuse.
MOST EFFECTIVE, cost for 10 days of exposure, $500.00
Mother's Day Prep
Mother's Day is May 13th and Father's Day on June 17th. If you live close to the Syracuse area we're trying to gather a group of Moms and Dads to visit the offices of US Senators Schumer (Senator Minority Leader) & Gillibrand (Potential 2020 Presidential Candidate) on Friday, May 11th. With enough people we should get some media attention.
Please just reply to this email if you have ?'s or can be there.
Other Reform News
American For Equal Shared Parenting - announced a conference of family law reform issues to be held May 20th in Alexandria Virginia. They have several speakers lined up and attendance starts at $25 for the day. They are also a 501(c)(4) organization which allows for more political activity. A good opportunity to network and meet like-minded people.
National Parents Organization - announced a new Executive Director, Petra Maxwell an attorney in New York City. She graduated summa cum laude from the University of New Hampshire, did graduate work at Northwestern University, and then attended Harvard Law School. She has done work with other non-profits.
She is a single mother who has practiced shared parenting with her ex-husband. She feels that her son benefited from this, and that all children should have the same benefits.