Just a simple text message today. We've a problem with email caught by SPAM filtering. Sometimes just text gets thru with a few links. If you haven't received a list message in the last two weeks, it probably went to your junk mail (we sent message on May 31st and June 2nd). Please check and maybe you can change a setting.
I'll be at the Syracuse Federal Building this Friday (June 15th), before Father's Day. I expect an arrest to occur after their last warning. You're help in writing, calling, or being there is welcome. Please check the AKidsRight.Org website for details.
THE PERSON AT FAULT AND THE PERSON RESPONSIBLE TO FIX IT -- ARE NOT THE SAME. Wow, first time I saw those words put together I got confused. As people whose basic Family Rights were violated we know X is at fault, and X or Y needs to fix it!!!
I don't usually follow Movie Actors in real life, but I saw this short video by Will Smith (who does a great job fighting aliens in film!) and said wow! I'm not sure what he went through before he put these words together -- but he got it right: Y = "ME"
If we want things to change, we need to take charge and make the sacrifices necessary. Quit yelling, fretting, pointing fingers, or waiting for someone else. You, take action. Yes, it may also be too late to change things in our lives, but can we make it better for others?
Something to think about! Your feedback is welcome and we'll share on the list.