I'm ready to try again after the arrest. Lets show the public how much we love our kids. Easy to label one person a crazy. With another Mom & Dad involved, we start a Civil Rights Movement. 

I quit my job to devote 2018 to build public action for Family Rights.  I've talked to many of you and the stories are gut-wrenching.  So much indignity & pain -- but so little real progress in significant reform.  Why?

Anger at the system, social worker, or other parent feels good for a moment, but doesn't create a solution.  We burn up in either depression or violence.   We're a Civil Rights movement -- but throwing rocks or tipping over cars won't get us public support.  We need to convert others to feel our pain and realize the terrible injustice in the current system.  How?

Lets show them how much we love our kids and how much we're willing to sacrifice for them.  With good reason it's a Classic Hollywood Movie Theme.  A parent trying to find a lost child.

I'll be going back with my chalk to the Federal Building next Friday, Aug 31.  I'll be writing the same message and most likely be arrested again.  But I believe in the message and I also believe the love we have for our children has power.  No loving sacrifice is ever meaningless.  Hope to see you there!  Many ways to help -> please check here.

Best regards!
"Love is not unarmed, but also wields a sword."

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