A brief update on Action for Family Rights.
We've been leaving messages with chalk at the Hanley Federal Building, Syracuse, for the past several months.   To convince US Senators Schumer and Gillibrand our nation needs to recognize & protect Family Rights

Warning were issued, but nothing happened until Aug 17th,  John Murtari was arrested and ticketed to appear on Sep 19th in Federal Court (could have paid a $50 fine, but will contest the charge).
John returned last Friday, Aug 31st. He was given the courtesy of another warning to stop by building security -- but no arrest after he left more messages.
He plans on returning again this week on Wed, Sep 5th, and Fri, Sep 7th.  The plan is to be there from 1 PM - 2:30 PM on each day. Our goals is to use this type of peaceful action to attract positive media attention to our cause, but we need more people involved -- even if you just come to watch.  Interested - send him an email -> jmurtari@AKidsRight.Org
Hope to see you there! 
Many ways to help -> please check here.

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