Forced out after quietly walking the halls (Aug 3rd, Hanley Fed Bldg, Syracuse)
We want two powerful US Senators to respond to us, but we’re not showing a lot of public support. The method of NonViolent Action is to be peaceful. The goal is ‘good drama’ to get a click on a message and Social Media attention. We couldn’t get a dozen people outside, how about ONE person inside carrying pictures of parents/children unjustly separated? John Murtari supplied this:
I called Schumer’s office in the morning and said I'd have a letter to drop off. Got there at 1, left a few messages with chalk and waited till about 1:30 in case someone else might show up. Then went upstairs to Schumer’s floor. Nobody answered their door, so I slid the letter underneath. I took out my placard and walked around the halls.
Used same photos in the building.
In about 15 minutes, a couple of guys from building security showed up and told me I couldn’t do that. I said I thought I could. They asked me to follow them out, I refused. I told them it had been allowed before, they left to check. A few minutes later one of the US Attorney’s (same floor) came out, he thought I was protesting something about their office. We talked for a while and I explained. I said it was a public building and this is a simple exercise in free speech. While we were talking about 3 more building security guys showed up ... finally two Federal Police showed up (one knew me from years ago). They asked me one more time, made it clear they were not going to arrest me (I think they knew I wanted that). Then they took me by the arms and walked me out. So…… I don’t think they’ll be letting me in the building anymore.
NOTE -> Once they make physical contact with me I don’t resist. Also, VERY IMPORTANT TO UNDERSTAND, I don’t ever raise my voice, or lie to them, or complain, or call them names or ask why aren’t you supporting me. The funny thing is, as much as parents rightfully complain about how bad the system is — so few are willing to join in peaceful action for reform. THEY aren’t stopping reform, WE ARE. We don’t believe our love has power and we can change the system.
NY Parent charged under new "Terroristic Threat" law
Joe made a first-time comment to a posting on our Facebook Page (check the posting for July 12th). We were the first parent's group he'd found and was clearly frustrated by being ignored by the Judge when he was concerned about potential abuse of his son (for most of us, we learn to get used to it).
He was charged with a NY Felony Law, "Making a Terroristic Threat". I've learned more details and wrote the DA about my feelings (see my letter here). There need to be some apologies, reconciliation, and serious reform of "Family Court" -- not a prison sentence....
He doesn't have a lot of money, has been assigned a public defender, and could really use some help, feel free to contact me: John Murtari