A real Class Action suit - get rid of bias!

Challenging bias in the Courts can be effective, but we've all seen challenges fail because they are 'pro se' and just not taken seriously by the Courts or the Media.  The Law Suit filed by Steve Chang (pictured above with his daughter) and Gordon Smith has a real chance of success. 

I've gotten to know Steve over the past several months, he's the real deal.  He's been working on this for years with Gordon and has spent thousands of his dollars in retaining a dedicated attorney to represent the case. Please take the time to read the RELEASE below, share the news, and hopefully contribute to some of the costs.  I've pitched in a few dollars and I hope we call all give a little and show our support.

FOR IMMEDIATE RELEASE: For decades the Violence Against Women Act (“VAWA”) empowers and incentivizes many legal profiteers to remove loving parents (especially fathers) from their children through false allegations.

Steve Chang and Gordon Smith are two such fathers from Delaware who were falsely accused under VAWA and had their lives destroyed. Steve reported domestic abuse by his ex-wife but under VAWA was viewed as the perpetrator because of false allegations and because he is male. Gordon was wrongfully accused of domestic violence by his ex-wife.  She was eventually charged with filing false policy reports against him. These false allegations had a profound impact on Steve and Gordon lives including curtailing employment opportunities and limiting time with their children. VAWA as a federal law trumps state family laws and effectively destroys equal parental rights.

Click here to read the complaint -> Chang and Smith vs. Office on Violence against Women (Civil Action No. 1:19-cv-01241 TSC). It is a class action filed in Washington DC on behalf of all taxpaying law-abiding loving parents nationwide. Please support this class action by making a donation at GoFundMe by using the link provided below.

Contact Steve Chang for additional information by calling or texting him at 302-930-0988, or via email at: trolleysquareman@gmail.com

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