Watering the SEED of a VISION (Part II)
From: John Murtari (jmurtari@akidsright.org)
This is a message from a mailing list, members@kids-right.org http://www.kids-right.org/ To unsubscribe from this list at anytime, send email to Majordomo@kids-right.org with the following 1 line in the BODY of the message (Subject is ignored). unsubscribe members ====================================================================== Good People (and particularly members of AKidsRight.Org), This is Part II of a personal message with a single topic: Watering the SEED of a VISION. If you missed the first one and want to read it, check here: http://www.AKidsRight.Org/archive/archive2001/0012.html PLEASE, if you know me, take the time to read this message and I welcome your feedback. Enough 'philosophy' -- at the end it lays out a detailed plan of action that could bring reform in the next few years, but one that could result in imprisonment for myself and others. Wow! Those are strong words, why do a crazy thing like that? On Sunday, I fly out West to pickup my son Domenic, and we start six wonderful weeks together of summer vacation! I'm blessed to have the time, and to have a Son (he's 8) who loves me very much. I get so much email. Many of you who don't get to see your children at all -- or worse yet, your children have been so worked over by the system, they don't even love you! What a terrible horror! Like many of you, I have watched my son's childhood shattered by what has happened. I have seen my importance as a parent denigrated by our government. I'm expendable. When we realize the magnitude of the injustice and the pain -- our response must fully correspond to that. If we as individuals don't stand up for our children, who will? A little time in jail compared to all that -- nothing! When you have time to review what follows, please sign-up at the site as a spectator/participant. You may not agree with the approach, but I guarantee the event will be something worth watching: http://www.AKidsRight.Org/actionb_syr.htm (If you think you would like to try something like this in your area, contact us -- we can setup a web based registration area for you.) -------------------------------------------------------------------- Many of us, including myself, have been involved in lobbying efforts, letter writing, and "permit approved" demonstrations. They have accomplished many things, and will continue to do so -- but to think this level of effort will ALONE correct the massive injustice being done is simply hard to believe and has little historical precedence in Civil Rights movements. It's one think to 'talk' about what you believe, and entirely another thing to 'act' that way. Read Thoreau at our site! ======== WATERING THE SEED AND NONVIOLENT ACTION Many of you probably already know part of the answer to this one, it will take sacrifice to water the SEED. It's going to take some real heros to do it. You might think of Captain James T. Kirk of the Startship Enterprise -- but we are not fighting Klingons here and if you know anything about NonViolent Action, we certainly aren't going to fire any Phasers! But we need to follow the heroic example -- I have found one trait that I think is consistent of heroic conduct: In their moral 'calculus' the hero examines the potential benefit their action can GIVE others without including the effect on themselves. e.g. I see a toddler in the path on an onrushing car, I jump into the road, scoop up the child, and try to get out of the way! I'm not 'sure' I will be able to save the child when I start. I am sure that if I don't make it, we both die -- but there is the 'potential' I can at least save the child's life by pushing them out of the way (even if I am killed or hurt). [Mind you -- I am NOT the type of person who would probably do this. I wouldn't react that quickly -- but I'll bet some of you would! It takes me a while to work up the 'bravery' associated with doing something like this. I hope in the months to come -- some of you will be ready to make that jump.] Sometimes we make the mistake of seeing heros as "violent" figures. That is not the case. Look at the people we have as background to NonViolent Action (http://www.AKidsRight.Org/civil_back.htm) -- Gandhi, Martin Luther King, Lady Constance Litton. They all risked their lives (and more than a few of them died because of what they believed in). ======== NEED TWO MOM's and TWO DAD's Here in the Syracuse, New York, Federal Building I have restored our "right" to petition our Federal Legislators by carrying a picture of my child inside the building. For details on how this came about see: http://www.AKidsRight.Org/protest_dm.htm This October, a very positive statement could be made if I could be joined by two mothers and two fathers, also carrying pictures of their children and a smile. We won't be there in anger, or to "barbecue" our legislators. We will be there to: * Show the strong love we have for our children. * Plead for their sponsorship of Family Rights legislation. * Demonstrate our willingness to sacrifice. To get a real Family Rights Act started in Congress, we need a House and Senate Sponsor to introduce the bill. In that building, we have one member of the House, Congressman James Walsh (R) and Senators Charles Schumer and Hillary Rhodam Clinton. There are now several groups recognizing parenting as an "inalienable" right, deserving our highest protections. I encourage you to visit their sites, read the draft legislation. I'd like to think we all have something we can be "for" now! http://www.ancpr.org/testresolution.htm (apply criminal standards before separating a parent and child). http://www.custodyreform.com/reform-files/reform-mission2.html (criminal standards - focus is state legislature) http://www.AKidsRight.Org/act.htm (jury protection, a federal protection applying to all states) You can check the Legislative action area of our site, (http://www.AKidsRight.Org/action_syr), for details. We have made several efforts and are being ignored. Congressman Walsh was kind enough to say he didn't believe parents had any Federally protected rights to that children (that was for your state legislature to decide!). The two Senators have simply refused to say anything or return phone calls (it's hard to believe they think they can ignore us and we will just go away). Remember, they are good people. They have large staffs, maybe they don't even know whats going on, or think we are just a few 'cranks.' This is the POLITICAL PROCESS, it is our duty to show them how much we care about our position. That the consideration of serious Family Law Reform is the single, most important issue that should occupy their time. To convince them it is in their best interest to sponsor reform OR to be fairly labelled a Senator who doesn't think Parents have a Constitutionally protected right to be with their own children. ======== THE POLITICS OF SPONSORING A BILL As we all know, news coverage for an event is hard to get. But when your event is outside the offices of elected officials it becomes a dual-edged sword. There is a chance five parents could be arrested outside Senator Clinton's offices, and no one notices. There is also a chance (which the official must consider), is that a news source will carry the story -- and what a story it must be! Not one of angry parents spouting off against the corrupt system -- but one of loving parents, respectful, faith filled people, that were trying to convince their Senator to at least talk to them! Politicians much prefer groups protest "outside" or "in general." Like any of us, they wouldn't want to be the specific target of such an action that would force them to take a public position. A few months ago some groups had a large effort to get parents to join hands for a "Bridge across America." Think how much more effective it would have been to target a few legislators and form a Bridge around the Office of Senator X" -- we'd like them to make a public statement in support of reform! Those of you who have done "lobbying" have heard the standard answers, "Gee, the Senator feels your pain, but he doesn't sit on the subcomittee that would be responsible for a bill like that. I can give you a list of those members, much better if you contact one of them. Bye, bye!" We have to be firm and acknowledge all that, but know that "The Senator still has the power to introduce the bill" and the "Senator, if he feels strongly about it, can talk to colleagues on the committee and convince them to support it. You see, we don't vote for those other people -- BUT WE DO VOTE FOR THE SENATOR. We have a Family Rights Act we would like her to introduce, we'd like to start a dialog with our Senator and get her help with making a good bill. Will she or won't she?" ======== SENATOR HILLARY RHODAM CLINTON Hillary Rhodam Clinton is the "family" person and if our movement were looking for someone to sponsor a Family Rights Act -- she is certainly the one. It is not to hard to believe that she probably intends to run for President in the future. After hearing a lot of other reviews, I actually went to the library and read her book "It Takes a Village" -- and you know what, it's not too bad. In all honestly, if I had read that book 9 years ago, I would have probably nodded my head when she talked about "moving quickly to terminate parental rights" when it's not in the best interest of the child. Probably many of you would have also -- until the system got you! She includes many true stories in the book, and you may find a lot of irony there. All of us know the story of from President Bill Clinton, and how his Mom got into an abusive relationship with an alcoholic who beat her - until Bill finally stepped in as a growing man. Many of you know the enthusiasm of Law Guardians, Psychologists, and Social Workers -- if our 'modern' methods had only been available then: "Mrs. Clinton, we're sorry, we are going to take your son Bill out of the home and put him in foster care. We have told you about this abusive relationship you are in with your new husband -- it's not a good environment for your child, you still foolishly persist in thinking you can change him. We don't think thats the best thing. We in the village are terminating your Parental Rights... Bye!" Maybe she does have a point about the "village," but we need to help her see that the village is not a Judge, Psychologist, or Social Worker with too much authority. Before the government can impose it's will, it must convince a "village" of twelve jurors, twelve parents -- that something is SERIOUSLY wrong. ======== THE BOSTON TEA PARTY OF FAMILY LAW REFORM This would be an entirely new event. Five parents, arrested inside a U.S. Federal Building just carrying picture of their children. Petitioning their government to protect their rights. Not rude, not angry, but by the sincerity of their action, demonstrating the power of their words. This could be an event that captures the imagination of others across the Country. Not very complicated and fairly simple to carry out -- that start of a grass roots movement in many Congressional Districts to hold our legislators accountable. What kind of trial would these people have? Would any public official want to hear the following said about them: QUESTION: Why did you fail to obey an order to leave the building? ANSWER: I was there as a parent to petition our government, not to bother anyone else or cause a disturbance. So far this Senator has refused to talk to me and other parents about introducing legislation that recognizes my right to nurture my own children. I love my children and I'm sure she does also. We're not here to condemn here, but to show our willingness to sacrifice for the well being of our own children and others. This could all been avoided if she would have just entered a dialog with us so we could better understand each other. ======== WILL YOUR SACRIFICE BE NOTICED This one can be a tough question. No one likes to be first at a party, and maybe we just aren't ready for this type of action yet -- some people think real reform is 10-20 years away. We could just be taken to jail and forgotten! You might think no one will notice -- but that would be wrong. I can guarantee their would be at least TWO interested parties: * Your Children -- more than anything you could ever say, or try to explain. The simple power of the event itself would make it clear to them how much you loved them.Will it change how they feel about you? Well, we don't control that -- but you will done your best! * Our Father -- we have a heavenly Father who loves us as his children. ( In our approach we remember that our former spouse, judge or lawyer -- is our brother or sister.) Surely, such a sacrifice and demonstration of Faith will be noticed. Can a loving parent sacrifice for their child, and have it be meaningless -- it hardly seems possible! ======== FAITH This message reaches many groups, many people. We are all focused on reform and all the efforts are necessary. AKidsRight.Org focuses on Faith by its very methods and the tremendous sacrifice required. Best regards! John Murtari jmurtari@AKidsRight.Org ================================================================== To unsubscribe from this list at anytime, send email to Majordomo@kids-right.org with the following 1 line in the BODY of the message (Subject is ignored). unsubscribe members
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