JAMA study on custody released & Retreat invitation.
From: Webmaster (webmaster@akidsright.org)
This is a message from a mailing list, members@kids-right.org http://www.kids-right.org/ To unsubscribe from this list at anytime, send email to Majordomo@kids-right.org with the following 1 line in the BODY of the message (Subject is ignored). unsubscribe members ====================================================================== Good People, This message contains: 1) Retreat Invitation - spend a few days with yourself. 2) Recent Scientific Study on Custody - you've been waiting for this? 1) Retreat Invitation - spend a few days with yourself. ------------------------------------------------------ We'd like to extend an invitation to join one of our coordinators, John Murtari, on a brief retreat during the last weekend in September, the 28-30th, at the Mt. Saviour Monastery near Elmira, NY. (http://www.msaviour.org/) The cost is $40/night, and this includes all meals and lodging. If you can't afford the expense please let us know and we may be able to find others who can contribute to the cost of your stay. This is open to people, both individuals and couples, of any (and no) faith. John will be spending the time in preparation for a NonViolent Action scheduled for mid October, http://www.AKidsRight.org/actionb_syr For those of you active in the movement and dealing with the tremendous pain of separation, the quiet environment of the Monastery can be a refreshing experience. There are NO mandatory religous events, but the Monks do gather several times during the day to chant the Psalms, and guests are welcome to both listen and participate. Primarily a sheep farm, there are many miles of private trails available for private reflection or conversation. We will have details soon at the web site, but wanted to make this quick announcement since space is limited and we must have a firm count by September first. For more details you can contact John directly at: jmurtari@AKidsRight.Org 2) Recent Scientific Study on Custody - you been waiting for this? ------------------------------------------------------------------ Boston, 3 August, Journal of the American Medical Association, Researchers were pleased to announce the completion of a twenty year study on child custody. Code named the "Better Parent," the purpose of this double-blind study was to provide scientific guidance to the on going custody debate. To provide an authoritative end to the hodge podge of half-baked statistics presently quoted. Dr. Samuel Stone, Director of Pediatric Medicine at the Mt. Sinai research hospital gave a brief overview of the results to a standing room only crowd of reporters: "This was good science. There have been so many biased statistics reported in this area. We took special care to choose a large demographic sample of children from single parent homes and to follow them into adulthood. What sets this study apart was it's double blind nature. In this effort the researchers had no direct contact with the children who had grown up in sole custody environments with limited contact with the other parent. All their information was carefully filtered for any parental gender information. To quantify the child's 'success' in life we only looked at objectively measureable items: any criminal record, highest level of education received, job position, and income. We then correlated back to information we had on the parents and received some rather amazing results which we wanted to announce today. Parental gender was not a statistically significant predictor of child 'success' in life. It appears the most significant predictor was hair and eye color -- the children of blond haired and blue eyed parents did the best, with the next most significant item being level of parental education." When Dr. Stone was asked about the strength of the correlation, he replied, "Well, obviously not 100% and there were quite a few exceptions, but to probably the 70% level the results held true. I have to say we were all amazed by the blond hair, blue eye match -- but that is the purpose of science." ------ IMPORTANT NOTE -- the story above represents a study which never happened. There is nothing real there, although such a study may be currently underway. Are you looking for statistics to support your claim to be an equal parent in your child's life? If science some day says you are a statistical risk -- are you just going to say goodbye to your child and walk away? Think about the Declaration of Independence, "that all men are created equal..." -- is that crazy or what? Any hard science would quantify for you in a thousand different ways that we are NOT equal, in our intelligence, our emotional nature, our resistance to disease, and on and on.... What made this a "right" -- the starting words of the Declaration, "We find these thruths to be self evident..." We just all felt that is the way it SHOULD be. That when we reach deep enough into our physical nature and reach our spirits -- we are created "equal." You think you have a "right" to be an equal parent (even if you are not blond haired and blue eyed) -- you DO. But first you need to believe it yourself. ================================================================== To unsubscribe from this list at anytime, send email to Majordomo@kids-right.org with the following 1 line in the BODY of the message (Subject is ignored). unsubscribe members
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