Canadian & Syracuse Updates(April 7th)/ NY Bills / Million Dad March & whose Civil Rights?
From: Webmaster (webmaster@kids-right.org)
This is a message from a mailing list, members@kids-right.org Unsubscribe instructions at bottom of message. ====================================================================== Good People & People of Faith: This message contains information on: 1. April 7th, Syracuse Update - need your pictures for Senator Clinton. 2. Canadian Update - Steve Osborne. 3. New York State - List of pending bills. 4. Our mailroom - a recent message. 5. Million Dad March/Million Parent March - need your FEEDBACK? 1. April 7th, Syracuse Update - need your pictures for Senator Clinton. ---------------------------------------------------------------------- The effort to get a personal meeting between Senator Hillary R. Clinton and parents hurt by our Nation's Family Law "systems" will resume on April 7th. If you are unfamiliar with this effort based on NonViolent Action, please check the web site at: http://www.AKidsRight.Org/actionc_syr John Murtari is coordinating the effort. As you can see at the site he normally carries a "petition" which has pictures of children and parents separated by our system. During his last arrest Federal Officers took the "petition" as evidence -- we would like to replace those photos! If you have time please send a 4x6 or 6x7 photo of you and your kids to John -- also include a note with a little background on what happened. To see the old petition check: http://www.AKidsRight.Org/actionc_syr/index.htm#petition Send them to: John Murtari - AKIDSRIGHT.ORG Software Workshop Inc. 55 E. Genesee St. Baldwinsville, NY 13027 If you send it in please be confident that it will be used as this effort continues. PLEASE do not send in graphics files via Email or a FAX, what works best is a color photograph. The day is approaching when those photos and letters will make it to the hands of Senator Clinton and get her personal attention. Most importantly, your participation in this NonViolent Action is welcome. Check the link above for details. There has been a lot of "legal" activity in this -- including a new complaint from the local US Attorney's office. 2. Canadian Update - Steve Osborne. ---------------------------------- Canadian Steve Osborne is still involved in a legal battle. You may contact him at steve@NoBigLies.org During his "family court" trial the presiding Judge, when confronted with proof of false affidavits and testimony said, "so long as there is not a big lie, then I'm all right." Since that time Steve has carried on peaceful pickets to call attention to this and the devastating effect it had on him and his children. The Judge had pressed criminal charges against Steve for slander. Steve refused to "plea" to a lesser charge, things were moving toward trial when the presiding Judge decided to place a permanent stay on the proceedings. This would have meant the end of the matter, but now Steve has news that the prosecutors plan on appealing that decision. His notes below: ==================== > The attempt by Mr. Justice Raymond J. Guerette, of the Court of > Queen's Bench of New Brunswick, formerly of the Family Division in > the Judicial District of Saint John, to criminalize my behavior > using section 301 of the Criminal Code of Canada has failed. The > charges against me are now officially and permanently stayed. > The action, however, is not finished yet, as there remains one > outstanding issue to resolve between the Queen and myself, the issue > of my costs. Once that is dealt with - the Motion is being filed on > Monday - the case is complete and there will be a final order. > Some orders from the case are on Canlii if anyone is interested. > In the matter of Court's conflict: > http://www.canlii.com/nb/cas/nbqb/2002/2002nbqb350.html > In the matter of applications to quash subpoenas to some of Canada's > highest ranking Justice Officials and some other judges: > http://www.canlii.com/nb/cas/nbqb/2002/2003nbqb25.html > The above is appealed, which will now be discontinued. > In the Saint John Police Department's Offence Report that I obtained > in disclosure Mr. Justice Guerette is named as the complainant in > the case. > In other documents obtained via disclosure I've learned that > Mr. Guerette has conducted an extensive campaign to have me removed > from the front of the court and stopped from coming back, back > almost to the very beginning of my protest. > At one point he forwarded the psychological assessment of my family > to the Chief Justice of the Court of Queen's Bench of New Brunswick > and picked out some quotes for him in an effort to discredit me and > justify his "concerns" -the assessment that was determined to be > biased, lacking objectivity and containing " all the more dangerous > and inadmissible" tendencies. > In that letter, dated December 17, 1999, Mr. Guerette > says: > "Tests indicate that Mr. Osborne suffers from 'Borderline > Personality Disorder', that he distorts reality, that he is a > compulsive liar and, according to his wife, he can be violent." > He goes further: > "Justice Graser and I are very apprehensive over the unstable nature > of the man. He is not likely to respond to any rational appeal even > though it may be painstakingly explained to him that his remedy lies > elsewhere." ========= later update > It seems the Crown isn't happy with Mr. Justice McIntrye's decision > to stay the charges against me, and may be taking action to question > it. > I had to go to Fredericton yesterday to help a friend with an appeal > - more on that in a few - and while in the Justice Building I ran > into Mr. Patel, the Prosecutor that was handling the criminal case > against me. He was very courteous and friendly, as I have found > everyone to be - that isn't in the family Division - so we had a few > minutes to chat. Mr. Patel told me he's retired now, but he assured > me someone will be taking up the reins, and who ever gets the case > is likely to be appealing the stay of proceedings. > So, we may be dancing again real soon, in the Court of Appeal. > Better yet, I might just join the state in this, cross appeal, and > we can argue it together......... What happens in Court that day, > when we're both arguing the same position????? Who stands in the > adverse position?????? 3. New York State - List of pending bills. ----------------------------------------- This list from: "Its Kim & Jeff" <kimmh@hotmail.com> of bills pending in the New York State Assembly (A) and Senate (S) -- along with the name of the sponsoring member. A141 Markey (MS) -- Provides that the court may grant temporary guardianship and custody of a destitute or dependent child pending final determination of said issue A287 Lentol -- Requires express written parental consent prior to the extension of consumer credit to an unemancipated child (less than 22 years old) A389 Gromack (MS) -- Relates to custodial interference. A1087 Stephens (MS) -- Makes provisions relating to mediation and arbitration in the child custody decision-making process. A1123 Sidikman (MS) -- Establishes the presumption in matrimonial proceedings of awarding shared parenting of minor children. A1640 Cook (MS) -- Relates to membership in parent-teacher associations by grandparents. A2182 Lopez -- Outlines when the consent of the father of a child born out of wedlock is required for the adoption of such child. A2372 Lopez -- Makes provisions regarding consent of the father of a child born out of wedlock to adoption. A2600 McDonald (MS) -- Authorizes parents to reacquire custody of unemancipated minors. A3894 Acampora (MS) -- Relates to limitations on the granting of custody of a minor. A5188 Levy -- Relates to the rights of grandparents with respect to custody of certain infant grandchildren. S69 MALTESE -- Relates to membership in parent-teacher associations by grandparents . S989 TRUNZO -- Authorizes parents to reacquire custody of unemancipated minors. S1924 SALAND -- Recodifies and expands upon provisions applicable to the crime of custodial interference. S1969 LARKIN -- Enacts the child custody reform act. S2185 PATERSON -- Creates the parent-mediation program for child custody disputes. 4. Our mailroom - a recent message. ---------------------------------- >From Krista Pego <kpego4@aol.com> > After only a few weeks of dealing with the family courts and the > local FOC, I feel appalled at the obvious preferential treatment > toward the women/mothers. I don't understand why these systems > don't seem to "count" fathers as equal in parental importance as > mothers. I'm learning slowly that this is the standard position for > fathers. I feel it's a disgrace to our government to have allowed > it to get this far out of the sight of true justice. I want to > assist in any way I can in hopes of making some permanent, legal > changes in the family systems. Also, I hope that the stereotype > toward fathers held by the family courts and relative offices can be > changed into a more positive, helpful attitude toward mothers and > fathers alike. 5. Million Dad March/Million Parent March - need your FEEDBACK? -------------------------------------------------------------- Many people see the struggle for reform as a "mother" thing, many others see it as a "man" thing. If this is a Civil Rights movement, how should we see it? To start the discussion, below is a little dialog between three GOOD people with quite different opinions. ---- Message #1 RE: http://www.MillionDadsMarch.org/ ---- From John Murtari <jmurtari@AKidsRight.Org> to Greg Romeo > We know each other a bit and I have to tell you I'm "troubled" by > the MillionDadsMarch principle? While I could understand a > celebration of Fatherhood associated with Father's day and the past > activity. I assume the issues of MillionDads is to address > divorce/custody reform. > I really, really wish it could become the MillionParentsMarch -- > actually, I'd be happy with a hundred thousand or even a thousand > after last year! You get mothers and fathers together and you have > an unbeatable combination. Any solution to reform is going to be > gender neutral, the group making that happen should be the same. --- RESPONSE - Greg Romeo <GRomeo747@aol.com> Go to the site and read the platform. This is a world-wide event and it is going as is and on schedule. Fathers all across the world are tired of the pussy-footing around on their issues. If the "mothers" wanted to do anything about it, they would have fought the feminists when they created their avenue of destruction of our children and the father's 30 years ago. This is a no holds barred, Father movement production. If mothers and women want to take part in it fine, but we are in no way going to stop the entire WORLD of men just because some people want "mothers" involved. I am a part of the Father's machine. I am not a woman, nor will I try to think like a woman. I am a father and I am out to fight for the rights of fathers. I am sorry, this is not my brainchild, but I will support the Million Dads March 100%. These atrocities against FATHERS is going to stop now. --- FOLLOW UP - John Murtari <jmurtari@AKidsRight.Org> > I went there again. I'm not sure what you mean by no pussy-footing > and no holds barred? You are talking about a classic protest march > for which you will have permits, etc....? Where is the sacrifice? > You see, I agree with you that we haven't taken strong enough action > (not by a long shot) -- but is this it? > I know you are fired up about the issue and I think you know I am. > There atrocities are not only happening to fathers, but also to > mothers. It is about civil rights. When you talk about Family Law > Reform, the solution should be gender neutral -- why not the > participants? I remember reading in the Civil Rights movement where > many people disagreed with Martin Luther King and other Black > leaders who would encourage White people to participate in their > efforts. Some of which involved real sacrifice. Others wanted to go > it alone "Black Power!" -- I saw that on the home page, "Men of the > World Unite" Are you willing to sacrifice for that? --- RESPONSE FROM ANOTHER - Don Delaney <delaney2@ix.netcom.com> As for your concern about calling it MDM instead of a million parents march., you're right, some mothers do become victims of the family court system, but you have to admit, it is normally the fathers who are abused and discriminated against. We welcome all women and all people to participate, bring their own banners, etc., but it most appropriately is called the Million Dads March. If we had a holiday called Children's Day, it would be appropriate to have a Million Children's March, as children are the ones that ultimately suffer the most! ================================================================== To unsubscribe from this list at anytime, send email to Majordomo@kids-right.org with the following 1 line in the BODY of the message (Subject is ignored). unsubscribe members
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