Events in Texas, Utah, and NY / Thoughts on Faith & Reform.
From: Webmaster (webmaster@AKidsRight.org)
This is a message from a mailing list, members@kids-right.org Unsubscribe instructions at bottom of message. ====================================================================== Good People & People of Faith: This message contains information on: 0. The Lighter Side - Fathers & Other NCP's. 1. Federal/Public Action in Texas - April 7 2. Utah declares both parents equally important - what about you? 3. Lobby Day in Albany, NY - April 1 4. Thoughts on Faith - in the 21st century? Editor's note - Our membership is about equally split between Moms and Dads looking for reform and hopefully we are a cohesive group. We have a lot of events below sponsored by groups with an emphasis on fathers (but which support inclusive membership). We welcome you to send in activities from mom's groups working for reform also. 0. The Lighter Side - Fathers & Other NCP's. ------------------------------------------- We did note one unusual bit of terminology at a web site below. Membership was open to "fathers and other NCPs" (Non Custodial Parents) -- Please help us out with this one. If you are not a Father and are a Non Custodial Parent -- doesn't that make you a mother? Why couldn't they just say that? I'm sure it's not meant to exclude -- but, on the other hand, how many of our "hunter-gatherer" friends would join a group open to "Mothers and other NCPs"? Seriously -- on something we think all the members of this group appreciate. The greatest weapon opponents of reform have is the ability to raise the "hot button" issue of making this a mom v. dad thing. But if you want to fight the battle (enjoy the following): Some Men can't even stand to look at a scene of Mother and Child happily together without some anger -- b$%tch! And we're sure many Women have experienced the same after seeing their child "taken" by their former husband... abusive creeps! Come on, admit it you Men, deep down, you KNOW you'd be the best parent! After all, who's the big bad hunter-gatherer! Ladies, that child came out of YOUR body -- their YOURS, after all possession is 9 tenths of the law! We're talking a biological reality here! 1. Federal/Public Action in Texas --------------------------------- Submitted by: <MDSandifer@aol.com> Contact James Loose at: <jameswloose@aol.com> > On April 7, 2003 Jim Loose will file a motion in federal court in Ft > Worth,TX asking a federal judge to suspend the operation of Tarrant > County District Court because of its pattern of discrimination > against Noncustodial Parents in its administration of custody > decisions. This has the potential to impact all of us. > You may have heard of Jim Loose's case. Mr. Loose has gained some > attention nationally for standing up to the judges of the 325th > District Court in Texas and carrying out a public counterattack > against the system in the media. He's also filed a high profile > Equal Parenting Motion in his court that asserts a 14th Amendment > guaranteed right to post-divorce equal parenting. He's working in > close cooperation with similar actions by folks like Muchnick in CO, > Galluzzo in OH, and Lovett in IL. It's hard to overstate the > importance of this. > Two weeks ago, Mr. Loose delivered to his judge hard copies of over > 1,200 emails supporting his stand that had come in from all over > America. At that time his judge informed Mr. Loose he'd read Mr. > Loose's Motion for Equal Parenting and was very impressed with Mr. > Loose's argument. > In every battle it's important to recognize when key moments come. > A key moment has come in ours. We have to recognize that > Mr. Loose's media attention -- coupled with his upcoming filing in > federal court -- have given us an opportunity to move our issue > squarely into the center of public attention. > Here's what we're going to do: > 1.) Demonstrate on Jim Loose's behalf the date that he files on > federal court. We will bring attention to the plight of non- > custodial parents' (NCPs) loss of our Constitutional rights to > parent our children. Our opponents? NOT women. Rather, our > opponents are a corrupt divorce industry and "black robes" who do > not carry out the spirit of the law nor their oath to support the > Constitution. > 2.) We will meet outside the federal court building in Ft. Worth, > Texas on Monday, April 7th, 2003 about 9:30 A.M. and the press will > have been previously notified. > 3.) We will pass out body bags to symbolize the atrocities and > deaths done to NCPs in violating our equal rights to our children, > homes and livelihoods. > 4.) We will pass out signs with pictures of local Texas judges and > ask that you bring more posters and pictures of judges and your > children. > 5.) We will then peacefully march out in the street, put on our > body bags, and hold up traffic which will bring us press helicopters > and more mass media. We will passively resist but, eventually leave > the street prior to any arrests. > 6.) We will peacefully demonstrate as per our constitutional rights > do so. We will make this up-close and personal by applying correct > labels to our judges on the signs with pictures and posters, i.e., > "Child Thief." > 7.) After the main event of holding up traffic to peacefully force > attention to us, we will have speakers discussing our problems as > NCPs. If your group has a very able and experienced speaker, please > let us know. > Please confirm your individual and/or group support so that we can > get an idea of how many people are expected to show up. Time is of > the essence. Please work fast with your individual group and friends > to keep them apprised of this historical moment and to get everyone > you know actively involved! > We will be having another internet meeting on Monday, March 17, 2003 > at 9 P.M., E.S.T./ 8 P.M., C.S.T. in the Father's Integrity & Rights > Movement (FIRM) Chat Room on MSN Communities (www.FIRMNCP.com). > Sincerely, > Eric > www.FIRMNCP.com 2. Utah declares both parents equally important - what about you? ----------------------------------------------------------------- Submitted by: Roger Eldridge <eldridgeandco@eircom.net> > SALT LAKE CITY (AP) - The House has approved a bill that would give > fathers an equal chance with mothers in getting custody of their > children during divorce hearings. > House Bill 6 gives fathers and mothers equal access to their > children during divorce hearings and calls for judges to give both > parties equal consideration when assigning custody. > Rep. Michael J.S. Thompson, R-Orem, proposed the legislation. The > current trend is to give mothers custody, but Thompson said men have > an equal right to be with their children. > Utah courts have ruled that automatically giving custody to the > mother violates the 14th amendment, Thompson said. > ''We must accept what the court says,'' he said. ''Children do need > both parents.'' > The bill passed the house with a 42-26 vote. It now moves to the > > Senate. > www.trib.com/AP/wire_detail.php?wire_num=128905 3. Lobby Day in Albany, NY - April 1 --------------------------------- The following has to be one of the largest organized lobbying events in the country for reform at the state level. If you live in New York, or close to it, and want to get involved in reform -- it is an excellent way to see lobbying in action and also meet a lot of people from a wide variety of groups. Check the email address below for details: Submitted by <dickins895@aol.com> > The Coalition of Fathers and Families New York, Inc., is proud to > sponsor this year's Legislative Education and Awareness Day in > Albany, New York. As in the past, this year's event will take place > in the "well" of the Legislative Office Building on State Street, > directly across from the Capitol, in downtown Albany. It will begin > at 9:00 a.m. and continue through until 4:00 p.m., with a press > conference scheduled from 11:00 a.m. until noon. The date is > Tuesday, April 1st. > L.E.A.D. is perhaps the single most important event of the year for > non-custodial parents and their families. It is your opportunity to > meet with elected representatives, and to discuss your family > related issues and concerns with them. It is also your opportunity > to let them know that your vote depends upon how willing they are to > embrace and address those issues and concern. Don't miss it!!! > We need as many "bodies" this year as possible. Any and all > individuals and/or organizations are welcome and encouraged to > participate. If there was ever a legitimate and justifiable reason > to take the day off from work to participate in a worthwhile > activity, this is it. Please put the date on your calendars, and > just plan to be there. 4. Thoughts on Faith - in the 21st century? ------------------------------------------- At our site we talk about NonViolent Action, a social movement based on the Faith of its participants, (not just Christianity): http://www.AKidsRight.Org/civil_back.htm Is that realistic? As one person said, "Yes, all that stuff Gandhi and King did was great. But look at who followed them. Very lower class - no jobs to lose, not much to go home to anyway, very simple minded people (superstitious). Wake up. This is 2003 in America... it just won't happen here.... You are wasting your time." What do you think? Here are a few thoughts: ------------ From: Donald R Schindler <drjs@lycos.com> > Of course, 100 people protesting an injustice makes bigger headlines > and more impact than just 1. But it makes no difference if you are > trying to change an unfair situation- the need to protest is still > there. > I also am a professed Christian, and this colors my interpretation > of facts, and also what I feel can be done. Christ, and Paul, both > claimed it is better to turn the other cheek rather than refute > authority ("render to Caesar") and I have wrestled with this for > some time. Still, I cannot see how taking nearly 40% of my take > home pay, with my ex not permitting me visitation (40 days/ year is > "too much") either benefits my son or his 2 step sisters, not to > mention my 2nd wife. This is so egregious an affront to common > sense and fairness, that I must act, at least on behalf of my > children, while what I do is construed as mere self-interest. ----------- Jack Jonassen <critterbytes@yahoo.com> > Not to challenge your faith. But, it was an Emperor's decree, that > Christianity would be the state religion of Rome, which got > Christianity off the ground. That Emperor, remained a non > Christian. I expect many Christians would declare that a victory of > faith. I would say it was the victory of a few men, who had the > Emperor's ear. Had it not been demonstrated that this religion would > help to keep the masses timid, I believe Christianity would have > been a forgone conclusion. Forgone, to some lion's mouth! > ... it requires faith, because that is another word for > PERSISTENCE. But, faith alone, is not enough. One also needs to > apply the efforts in a manor that will create the desired > effect. Other wise, one leaves it to blind faith. > Gandhi, understood his people, the situation, and the necessary > effort. Use your peaceful means. Rely upon your faith. But, don't > loose site of what is the necessary change, the result. > I would accept any action, in love, hate, what ever, as long as it > is directed towards a common goal. Each, has it's usefulness. (I > would not expect you to do the same.) I have faith that our legal > system can be changed. I understand, that God will show the way to > do that, if it is faithfully sought. And, I know, there are many > successful methods to do so, already proven. I'm not so sure that > what works in India, will work here. You are trying to motivate a > different type of individual! And, many of these individuals, must > still maintain a living, and pay child support to see their > children. Gandhi's people, had no jobs, and nothing better to do, > but sit! That is why they were protesting! :0) ------- From: Mary Jo Marceau-Hawthorne <pr@AKidsRight.Org> > How strong is my faith? Some times I ask my self this question. > More often lately. I can't begin to imagine how this effects others > but the loss of my daughter brings a pain that is beyond imagination > and a fear of more pain if I ever lost my son. And in my pain and > fear I ask, how strong is my faith? Should I allow this fear and > pain to destroy me physically and spiritually or should I practice > my faith and strengthen it by letting what I can not control be > God's concern and thus freeing me emotionally and physically to > pursue the things I can control. Fear can destroy and I must have > Faith instead of fear, faith that God is in control. > The world has always contained evil. The evil that I see and you > see in the Family courts, CPS/DSS, in our government, in our world > and what hurts most of all in the judgmental nature of people > supposedly doing Christian work. This has all been true through out > history and has never changed. Only the names have changed. Many > good Christians strive to accept this as the opportunity to shine > light in the darkness. The challenge is to change hearts and save > souls. This is truly a challenge. But we as Christians must > because who else will do it? No One. Many are called but few are > chosen. I think about what I have been called to do. > It is very confusing sometimes. I hope and pray and reassess what I > am doing. If God so loved the world that He sent is only son to die > for us and bring us His forgiveness, how can we deny forgiveness to > others. When people hurt me it is hard to feel forgiveness for them > but I know it is what Jesus would want us to do. In the same sense > I feel for the people affected by the hurt and pain others inflict > on them, they need our example and support. We also owe it to the > others to create awareness and help them to avoid the pitfalls that > sin can create, to the future victims as well as the future > perpetrators. > I know the looks are hard, they were for me. Some times we just > have to say, I am sorry you feel I am a monster. I am certainly not > a perfect person. Let he who has never sinned throw the first > stone. Be confident in the truth you know. You were there and know > the truth, they were not. I accept how they feel because my words > can't change that but my deeds can. We must be people of action, > Christ like action. Be confident of God's word in your heart and > show the world you are. > I know your first priority is your family and the stress created by > the fear of your family being destroyed can destroy us all. I try > to have faith. It is hard but what other choices do we have? I > enjoy each hour, day, week, and year I spend with my son. After > all, God has shown me the depths of his blessings and kept him close > to me for now. If I do loose him, I hope I can look back and say > what great memories and not have those memories clouded by fear. > Every thing is temporary in this world. Only the next is forever. > So, when I ask myself what is important I say the next world and the > treasure that I put there. Not here. Sometimes, I look at what God > has given and reflect on the past. This helps me face the future. > He got us all this far. I hope this helps. God Bless you all. -------------------- I am getting ready to send the list message about Faith. Yours is unique in that it mentions "evil". Can you give me some expansion on this: 1. How do you define evil? 2. A specific example of someone you met in the Court/DSS who was evil and what they did? 3. Do you include any of your past parenting to contain "evil"? ---------------------- > Evil is what people excuse as human nature. Evil is the temptation, > or the propensity to do intentional harm for what ever reason. Evil > flourishes when good people do nothing to stop evil. Evil can not > exist without people. It preys upon our wants and desires and lives > in our fears. Everyone is tempted and succumbs to evil. Fighting > evil is a constant battle, a battle for our souls. When we succumb > to evil we sin. As people of faith we know we are all sinners. As > parents we sin, as wife's, as fathers, as children, as doctors, as > lawyers, as social workers, ad infinitum. > As Christians, We must be constantly vigilant against evil and the > sin that can result as we must be constantly vigilant in protecting > our liberties from terrorist attacks, individual attacks, or > government attacks. This maybe a little philosophical but it is my > thoughts on the matter. The type of sin that I see most often in > dealing with all groups including the ones fighting for family > rights is judgmental in nature. If we can only overcome being > judgmental, but everyone is guilty of this. I include myself as > everyone. [Ed - obviously hard questions to answer on evil. What has been your experience?] ================================================================== To unsubscribe from this list at anytime, send email to Majordomo@kids-right.org with the following 1 line in the BODY of the message (Subject is ignored). unsubscribe members
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